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anyone use the MRI ce2 and no2

ive been reading up on the ce2 high def.. seems like decent stuff. no water retention is a big plus for me, and it supposedly the creatine absorbs quickly. also supposedly coupled with thermoRK aka rasberry keyton used for fat burning. as well as Beta alanine to prevent lactic acid burn during workouts


now the no2 black .. which is supposed to stack well with it.. supposed great recovery, and perpetual pump.



ive just read online about people who have taken it and had great results. but would like an opinion from someone on here.



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They seem pretty popular. Only creatine I have taken is CellTech MuscleTech, Muntz recommended it to me, did make me stronger in just the first couple weeks esp benching, but also made me feel bloaty so im just drinking whey protien shakes 2 times a day.
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If your diet is perfect and you've reached your non-supplemented maximum... then look at potential supplements. Otherwise it is a waste of money.


Nothing replaces intensity and diet.



He is correct.


I managed a GNC, am a personal trainer-and I more or less have a pretty good grasp on what works, and what doesn't. The most fit people that walked in y store-5-8% bodyfat, great muscle mass, just stuck with their protein, and tried something every now and again. The guys that were stacking No2+a CRE product+Beta+Test+++ usually had unimpressive physiques, and were likely trying to hard to substitute hard work for suplimentation.



Cliffs of my knowledge-Take in at least 1g of protein per lbs body weight. Once a week-surge that to 1.5g, and double your calorie count. That surge crates a ridiculous anabolic effect that will up GH and Test levels naturally.


As far as supliments go- the best all around company in stores today as far as product quality and performance goes, is Gaspari. BSN is a fairly close second.

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If your diet is perfect and you've reached your non-supplemented maximum... then look at potential supplements. Otherwise it is a waste of money.


Nothing replaces intensity and diet.


I have never heard of better advice. I wish more people ahd this mentality.

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N02= crap



pure monohydrate


Size-On and superpump250

green mag + white flood



If money is an issue just use prolabs creapure, cytogainer and beta-alanine.


I will never use anything else than cytogainer and mono.

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The people who benefit the most from supplements are those who sell them.


Stick with a Zone or Paleo for your diet, and compound lifts/high intensity/crossfit style at the gym.





No one diet works for everyone.


You first need to asess your goals, find out your caloric exp. Then you need to find out RMR is.


Most people need 1500 cals a day to just veg. Add in your daily activities and it goes up.


I am eating around 6500 cals a day. 400-450 protein 5-600g of carbs 140-160g of fat

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He is correct.


I managed a GNC, am a personal trainer-and I more or less have a pretty good grasp on what works, and what doesn't. The most fit people that walked in y store-5-8% bodyfat, great muscle mass, just stuck with their protein, and tried something every now and again. The guys that were stacking No2+a CRE product+Beta+Test+++ usually had unimpressive physiques, and were likely trying to hard to substitute hard work for suplimentation.



Cliffs of my knowledge-Take in at least 1g of protein per lbs body weight. Once a week-surge that to 1.5g, and double your calorie count. That surge crates a ridiculous anabolic effect that will up GH and Test levels naturally.


As far as supliments go- the best all around company in stores today as far as product quality and performance goes, is Gaspari. BSN is a fairly close second.



BSN sucks and are a bunch of liars. They are currently being sued.


Gaspari is ok that is about the best peice of advice you have given.




Ok now for the best companies out there




primidol performance


prolab ( creatine)



Oh and of course europe for the other SUBSTANCES of which you might want.


If you want any real adivce PM me.

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BSN sucks and are a bunch of liars. They are currently being sued.


Gaspari is ok that is about the best peice of advice you have given.




Ok now for the best companies out there




primidol performance


prolab ( creatine)



Oh and of course europe for the other SUBSTANCES of which you might want.


If you want any real adivce PM me.


You a little to hyped to think clearly, but I will give you Beverly.


I was more speaking on their Proteins. BSN is silky smooth, and some on the biggest and leanest Motherfuckers I worked with only use it. They're fucked on Ethyl Ester, but shit happens.

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OMG, all of this arguing about who makes the better product, which product is better is just plain ridiculous. Just do what most of the big athletes are doing these days...roids. They seem to work.


j/k. I would never advise anyone to do that. Just eat healthy and do a lot of lifting. Don't waste money on that other crap.

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eating clean works for everyone instead of filling their body full of shit



If you eat low cal low carb and high protien with a decent workout plan you will easily drop fat and add muscle to your frame.


In the last 4 months with working out 4 days a week and a ok diet (around 2500 caliories a day) I have dropped 15 lbs. Have gained 6lbs of lean muscle and lost 10 lbs of fat (Had my BFI checked on monday). Come Monday I plan on going to 1500 cal a day with about half that being protien and working out 7 days a week. My goal is to lose another 5% of body fat.


Anyway Ryan are you wanting to build mass or cut body fat?

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If you eat low cal low carb and high protien with a decent workout plan you will easily drop fat and add muscle to your frame.


In the last 4 months with working out 4 days a week and a ok diet (around 2500 caliories a day) I have dropped 15 lbs. Have gained 6lbs of lean muscle and lost 10 lbs of fat (Had my BFI checked on monday). Come Monday I plan on going to 1500 cal a day with about half that being protien and working out 7 days a week. My goal is to lose another 5% of body fat.


Anyway Ryan are you wanting to build mass or cut body fat?



what was your BFI ?

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You a little to hyped to think clearly, but I will give you Beverly.


I was more speaking on their Proteins. BSN is silky smooth, and some on the biggest and leanest Motherfuckers I worked with only use it. They're fucked on Ethyl Ester, but shit happens.


syntha-6 is good....other than that i cant stand BSN.


The other companies imo are the best there is out there.

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Anyway Ryan are you wanting to build mass or cut body fat?


i have a pretty clean diet, and i intake about 180 grams a protein a day.

right now im using just some protein, glutamine, and take omega 3 pills.


i used some creatine, and i like the recovery it gives you, but hate the water retention.. so i was kind of cycling it every 3rd week i would use it.


but now i backed completely off it.


i probably dont intake as many calories as i should, for i probably burn more than i eat in a day, which is working against me building mass. but im still trying to lean out the bottom section of my abs.


i work out about 4 times a week, and only do cardio once a week, so not to burn off any muscle.

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i have a pretty clean diet, and i intake about 180 grams a protein a day.

right now im using just some protein, glutamine, and take omega 3 pills.


i used some creatine, and i like the recovery it gives you, but hate the water retention.. so i was kind of cycling it every 3rd week i would use it.


but now i backed completely off it.


i probably dont intake as many calories as i should, for i probably burn more than i eat in a day, which is working against me building mass. but im still trying to lean out the bottom section of my abs.


i work out about 4 times a week, and only do cardio once a week, so not to burn off any muscle.



Where do you work out at?

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