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Can this head be decked?


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I am a completely idiot and didn't inspect the surface of the head as close to what I thought I did. After running the car for 20 minutes, it lost compression and coolant went into the oil.


There is some pitting on the bottom of the head, but the pitting in the picture before is the worst of it all. It's hard to judge by a picture, but I did my best to measure it with some toys from school and it looks like decking the head .020" will remove that. .040" is the max I want to go for compression reasons, but I'd like opinions here.


I'd hate to junk the head as it's already ported and polished.





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just because it doesn't look that bad doesn't mean its not worse. not only do you have pits but there may be pits deeper than you can see untill its machined. there is also warp issues that may come up. GM also does not recomend machineing the head, it says on SI to replace if pitted, damaged or warped out of spec. because of other tolerances (i.e. timing chain length, chain guides)
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So should I not even worry about trying to have it inspected? I know people that shave up to .050" when building high compression engines and then also shave the timing chain cover down as well to match. Bolt holes still line up.


I have another head that came off my engine that was running before and it's perfect. The only problem is it isn't ported and polished like this was so that's a big killer right there.

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Couldn't a tensioner make up for that kind of tiny difference in timing chain length? I really have no experience with any of it, but honestly, wouldn't GM "not recommend" most everything else he's done to the motor?? :)
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