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Fox body help (which rack and pinion/high end miss help)


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Hey Guys,


Car is a 91 GT vert and the rack and pinion is going out. The factory one is a 3 turn. For the same price I could get a "sport" one which is 2.5 or 2.25 turns. Would this work? Does it make any sense? .. would it be any kind of improvement? Oh and anything I should know before doing this? According to Haynes it seems pretty straight-forward.


Also the car has had a high end miss for a while now. Above 4000 rpms it feels like it's hitting a rev limiter. Car has a new fuel pump. Is it injectors? Any other ideas? There is no check engine light on... Car starts and seems to be running perfect until 4K rpms. Checked timing and it is on.


Thanks for any help or suggestions anyone can give!

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the car will turn in quicker with the sport rack, lock the steering wheel and unhook the battery so you don't fuck up your airbag, and make sure your new rack is centered before you install it turn it all the way left then all the way back right and coun the turns then go back exactly halfway to get it close. Your going to need an alignment...


that should cover the rack


check all your tune up parts on the higher rpm misfire plugs may need regapped or replaced could be a weak coil, or a dirty distributor cap, clean the maf, and have the control module tested


I think that covers it all


good luck

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  Gas, Grass, or Ass said:
the car will turn in quicker with the sport rack, lock the steering wheel and unhook the battery so you don't fuck up your airbag, and make sure your new rack is centered before you install it turn it all the way left then all the way back right and coun the turns then go back exactly halfway to get it close. Your going to need an alignment...


that should cover the rack


check all your tune up parts on the higher rpm misfire plugs may need regapped or replaced could be a weak coil, or a dirty distributor cap, clean the maf, and have the control module tested


I think that covers it all


good luck


Thanks, Dave! And you guys did an alignment when you were at Firestone and I got the "lifetime". They give me any problems if I go back in there? I dont think I have a receipt..


I put a new coil in it, dist cap. I'll change plugs and other things you mentioned tomorrow :)


  lawnman said:
Get a flaming river rack . They make a great performance rack for the mustang.


Thanks for the suggestion. Just looked those up. They do look nice, but little pricey for now. :(


  Stimmel said:
my mustang had the same high end miss i set the timing it went away and runs better than ever let me know if you want help with the timing, i have a good timing light and will give ya a hand.


Thanks for the tip and offer! I just messed with the timing couple weeks ago.. brought it down some. It was 14/15 I think.. and now I think I pulled it down to a bout 10 w/ no luck. Where are you running yours at?

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