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I have never rented a weapon before so im not sure how to go about that but im going to look in to it




1. Walk up to counter at BWSC

2. Say, "I wanna rent the KRISS."

3. Pay the man ~$10. + ammo + range fee.

4. Prepare for awesomeness.

5. :bangbang:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just thought I would post it, because I had forgotten to earlier...


Most liberals who aren't hollywood actors or college professors are actually more conservative than they think. Hence the thousands upon thousands of liberals who flocked to Ron Paul like he was Jesus Christ returning from the grave.


Our liberal Governor (who is also on the short-list for Vice President) Ted Strickland is endorsed by the NRA.


Zack Space (Southern Ohio) and Jim Webb (Virginia) and Joe Lieberman Connecticut) are all conservative democrats (although Joe Lieberman is a piece of shit. I hate that guy. Just wanted to throw that out there).


Or even (dare I say it) Bill Clinton, who was a Governor of a fiercely conservative southern state and truly did very little to benefit any liberal cause. Think he did? Ok, like what?


This country was founded by conservative philosophers and thinkers. Edmund Burke, Adam Smith, George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Adams, even that firebrand Thomas Jefferson. Yep, conservatives.


Richard Nixon, that conservative boogeyman, founded and funded the Environmental Protection Agency, ended the Vietnam War, ended the draft, opened relations with China... I dunno, that all sounds like "liberal" stuff to me. but JFK or LBJ never did any of that. They never even tried. In fact, if memory serves, they started the Vietnam War which culminated in the deaths of over 50,000 Americans and over 1 million Vietnamese. Now that's progressive thinking!


Here's an honest question: Liberals were in control of Congress for 50 years. What good did it do?


Beyond the advances in Civil Rights (at this time, many of the Democrats in Congress were members of the KKK, like Robert Byrd who is still in office, and Strom Thurmond, just to name a couple), the country really started to suck as time wore on in the post-war years.


By suck I mean that the true quality of life has gone done since World War 2. education has gradually fallen since the Dept. of Education was formed, inflation has risen to the point that the dollar is worth only a little more than a Peso. Instead of having one parent work and the other parent manage the household (which I do not believe is derogatory in any way), both parents now have to work just to feed their family.

Confidence and trust in the government has fallen into conspiracy theories and outright hatred.


The republicans were in control of Congress for what, 12 years? And they fucked things up. Fucked 'em up royally. But they were just carrying on the tradition that the Democrats had started. From the Republicans point of view, it was payback time for 50 years of seeing their country fall apart and not being able to do anything about it.


What it comes down to is not, "who's right and who's wrong."


What it IS, is that people like to be a part of something. They want their team to win. The owner/writer of Daily Kos said that he didn't care who the Dem nominee is, all that matters is winning. Karl Rove said pretty much the same thing about the Republicans.


Either way, the American people lose. We've been losing since the party system originated (which is precisely why the Founding Fathers DID NOT WANT political parties to exist in the first place).


In Ohio, you can be a Bengals fan, a Browns fan, or if you're really dumb, a Steelers fan. National politics are the same fucking thing. No matter how educated a person is, they always follow human instinct; follow the group and crush the other team.


The problem is that, just like in sports, the fans get a misplaced sense of self-accomplishment, while the owners of the team get rich off the stupidy and short-sightedness of the fans.

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Oh, and:


Pics taken the day I got the upper. No BUIS yet as it was in the mail still. Red dot on there just to see how it looked. After I got the BUIS in the mail I took the scope off and shot it open sights. Bastard is dead nuts on at 150yrds on a milk bottle, that's about the extent my eyes allow.


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