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I've been healed!


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What was your bad experience? I didn't really have a bad experience that I can remember personally but one of my last surgeries of the 7 I had in 2007 I almost didn't wake up. I make sure to tell the anesthesiologist that before they put me under, I think it is in my medical records also. I can't say I had a bad surgeon or even an Average one; all my doctors were awesome, Clifton Hood (ENT), Greg Berlet (ankle), Paul Cook (Wrist), and Scott Van Steyn (Knee). Paul may be the best Doctor I have ever had.


Long, crazy story so I'll try to make it short.


Pulled off a Greyhound bus and taken by ambulance to a hospital somewhere in Florida. Still don't know the hospital to this day and nobody knows I was there. (Spent alot of years roaming alone.)


Was left in a room too long because they didn't realize the seriousness of it. Was eventually taken for an emergency appendectomy.


I have a tendency to take quite a bit more anesthesia than most and woke up not once, but twice. Once in the middle, (they also had a hard time putting me down), and once when they were just wheeling me out. Second time I pulled my iv and shit out and went into shock.


I remained in the hospital for 2 or 3 days. I had a beautiful nurse who kept me company for two nights and then raised the money for another bus ticket for me. I then boarded a greyhound and rode it for 3 more days, stapled together like a soggy cardboard box. :(




As for the frisbee golf thing, I know there's a few on here who like to do that kinda thing. I haven't thrown a frisbee in quite sometime, but i have played before and would love to do it again. If for nothing else than the exercise and fun.

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