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It's ugly...but effective


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All you have to do is Pay for a detail and you can see her in person. :)

The catch is, it's Andy that shows up in the bikini. Cant give you all nice things to look at.


Been trying to get my lady to a drivign event, she doesn't want to. IMHO everyone could use a bit of that instruction.

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IMHO everyone could use a bit of that instruction.


True story.

I've been trying to talk my fiancee into taking a course or two at Mid Ohio this year. She calims she's scared of "messing something up" with their car. I told her that's what they're there for...:burn: Not to mention that the way she drives I'm amazed she hasn't had any major accidents. She has bad habits and no concept of car control at all.

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Wife's daily is the red car.

My daily is the M3 when we don't have to detail.

I try to only drive the A4 on crappy days or days we detail....too many years of 20K+ miles per on that bad boy.




Your a lucky dude, its hard to find women into cars. I probably made my fiancee hate cars more after she met me, because she has to share my money with the car! :D

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