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I thought I was banned -- sometimes I err on the retard side.


Just wanted to say hello to all of the great friends I've made on here, and everyone else I suppose.


Brian - PM me your number hoss, I'll hit you up on one of the weekends I'm back in town


Eric - School's good, but I swear the more complex things I learn the harder it makes simple things. It took me a few times to tie my shoes the other day....which is probably why I wear sandals. Hope everything works out for your bro, and I concede for our rematch, you win good sir.


Dave - I love you


Brain #2 (v8 beast) - I don't know you to well, but uh, hi?


Clark - I thought you were suppose to call me? whore.


Pat - I don't know you to well either, but I hope you get through Devry while retaining your heterosexuality


Beavis - Why arent you rolling a B5 S4?

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Beavis - Why arent you rolling a B5 S4?


Home wrenching a 2.7T that you daily drive 30k+ a year was deemed unrealistic with my driving habits. I fell in love with the 2.0 TFSI, which responds incredibly well to mods, and that is retardedly easy to maintain, even when the warranty runs out. :)


I get crazy good gas mileage, and its plenty of fun for now, until the BT kits get finalized. :cool:


PS: Welcome Back

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What kind of MPG are you seeing? I'm tempted to roll VW/Audio DI 2.0T


TestPipe & APR Flash nets me pretty consistent 30+ on the freeway. Mixed driving averages around 26-28. Seen 35mpg if you drive like an old man, but I cannot keep that up for any length of time.


I can't wait for the next gen A4. They are debuting a "revised" 2.0 TFSI that will grunt out 268ft lbs @ 1500 bone stock. Talk about drivability out of a turbo 4 banger. I put 290awtq to all 4 very early, around or sub 2.5k. :)


Get one, you'll like it for a daily.

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Pat - I don't know you to well either, but I hope you get through Devry while retaining your heterosexuality


Do you have any idea how many women are at DeVry since they added the nursing school?


I almost want to say they match the dudes 1 for 1, and they aren't ugly either.

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Pat = one of the stange ones..fyi.



Yeah, because I don't play World of Warcraft or spend every waking moment thinking about it.


That definitely makes me a strange one, for sure. Those people creep me the fuck out.

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