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Catalongna peformance and 614streets merge??

Guest 614Streets

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Guest 614Streets
I met Tony Catalogna this morning , he is now directly beside me in the next bay over and we were talking. So I figured I would throw his name out there , we both do high performance work and we probably will be doing some collaboration.
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Guest 614Streets
He fucked Amy Stewart's car up more times than I can recall, and several people (myself included) spent hours fixing everything from wiring harnesses to ignition parts.



Sweet. Well thats good to know , and thats why I mentioned it on CR. This is the place to find the "scoop".

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Guest 614Streets

I take everything with a grain of salt , I was hoping to hear good stuff , but like I said. Searching some on here earlier Amy stewart praises him. I'll hit here up on myspace and ask. And for the record this is good homework but not my judgement.


Eh I run a tight ship when it comes to my work so I will continue to let it speak for itself! :D


There is actually alot of guys on here I would work around , although I do my tightest work alone , with no time restrictions , as if it were my own car.


Quite a few guys Ive hinted at on here tag teaming side work etc , the latest are Hal ,who's possibly coming up to meet tommrrow , and last mention would probably be that Dave sigman guy......

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That's what I don't understand about Amy. Half the problems with her car were because of him, and she had nothing good to say about him in person, especially when we were at her house fixing his mistakes. Yet, she has him in her sig?
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Guest 614Streets

JAJAJA , well see when Tony and I talked today I heard the name and recognized it from reading it on here , and when I mentioned CR , Tony mentioned doing work on Amy's stang.


Whats the episode with Tony on 2 guys garage cause his website shows pics of him embeded into that show??? This one http://catalognaperformance.com/index.php?dbhcms_did=1&dbhcms_pid=3&dbhcms_lang=en&dbhcms_params=73686f77616c623d3136


Just wondering if I could watch that episode...

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Guest 614Streets
i don't get out much and i have heard bad things so that has to tell you something.



You must get out enough my buddy sean knows you. And yeah it does tell me something just not more than warning , but heed and notice taken. Gracias.

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You must get out enough my buddy sean knows you. And yeah it does tell me something just not more than warning , but heed and notice taken. Gracias.


i went to school with sean thats how he knows me. talked to him a few times on myspace but haven't seen him since school.

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The guy is a moron.


For instance (just one of the retarded things I've seen): He welded the header collectors to the exhaust pipes on a Trans Am. Rob Lasota had to unfuck that situation.


Stay away.


+2 That was retarded

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Guest 614Streets

Lol. yep .




Tony seemed stand up ,even met his wife. I know how it can be.


Check this out , although you cant directly relate all liasons or presumtions against thoose in the field , but ....

Last week I did brakes for a guy , 4 ROTORS / PADS 2003 Accord...


He called me monday because his check engine light was on and his "car guy" friend said I probably broke the abs sysyem. Now obviously thats good for a coffee cup chuckle with thoose in the know, but I explained to him in detail the differences between abs and check engine light warning systems , reluctor positions and their relationship to the inductive pickup on the cv shaft , not a vicinity of rotor replacement, etc.


But thats how it is, no biggie , alas the grain of salt.

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I know Tony personally, and he is a good guy and does good work, i was there with everything he did with Amys car, and all he was doing was trying to basically start over with her car and slowly fix all the mistakes that other shops and hands had done to it. Plus he was doing it all for free and on his time, cause he was a sponsor.

Like i sadi i have known him for a few years now and have always sent him loys of business, i always have his cards in my wallet to give out to anyone needing work done. So unless you have personally had issues with his work, i think you guys need to stop bashing his name and his business.

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