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jacka** in the 300z


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no trust me, i do understand how it works. a bunch of immature jackasses think they are hot shit for some reason and they think they are hardass cause they are on the internet.....


sorry, but you fail at life, try again....


FYI... You are typing on the internet. The guys arguing in this thread will be holding hands and singing while you are the only one with a gun and a he-man sword looking for that mean guy that said things to you online. If you havnt noticed we are all childish bastards and its fun. Join the club or get the fuck out of the kitchen.


PS. I still heart you but sometimes Daddy has to be a little stern with the childrens :p

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no trust me, i do understand how it works. a bunch of immature jackasses think they are hot shit for some reason and they think they are hardass cause they are on the internet.....


sorry, but you fail at life, try again....

Sorry, I didn't realize you understood how things worked. I didn't look at your join date, I didn't notice you have been on here so long.


You're a bigger idiot than the OP.

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FYI... You are typing on the internet. The guys arguing in this thread will be holding hands and singing while you are the only one with a gun and a he-man sword looking for that mean guy that said things to you online. If you havnt noticed we are all childish bastards and its fun. Join the club or get the fuck out of the kitchen.


PS. I still heart you but sometimes Daddy has to be a little stern with the childrens :p

I'm going to e-beat you up. Then we can get a milk shake later.

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Hal shut up before we have an e-battle of epic propertions. So epic that CR has to be shut down while Chuck Norris and Luke Skywalker fight over who the real winner actually was.

Lol, I cannot beat this post. You are winnar.

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Sorry, I didn't realize you understood how things worked. I didn't look at your join date, I didn't notice you have been on here so long.


You're a bigger idiot than the OP.



your the one bashing a guy for caring about his family, but were the idiots, right.......


and maybe it takes you 1700 post to know whats going on, but some of us arent that stupid

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your the one bashing a guy for caring about his family, but were the idiots, right.......


and maybe it takes you 1700 post to know whats going on, but some of us arent that stupid

Never said it takes that many, dumbass. Are you that stupid, or just that cocky? You and your little buddy sure try hard to put words in my mouth.


I care about my family. I care enough to stay calm and not overreact to every stupid thing.

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Never said it takes that many, dumbass. Are you that stupid, or just that cocky? You and your little buddy sure try hard to put words in my mouth.


I care about my family. I care enough to stay calm and not overreact to every stupid thing.


neither, i just dont take shit from immature little jackasses like you.


how exactly am i putting words in your mouth? and how exactly is ranting on a message board over reacting? pulling some one out of there car and beating there ass for something like that is over reacting.

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neither, i just dont take shit from immature little jackasses like you.


how exactly am i putting words in your mouth? and how exactly is ranting on a message board over reacting? pulling some one out of there car and beating there ass for something like that is over reacting.

In what way am I immature? In what way am I a jackass? I have a feeling you don't know anything about me. Well, apart from the fact that I enjoy e-battling morons like yourself.

You are putting words in my mouth by changing what I say to suit you purpose. 1700 posts does not equate to time on the board for instance.


Overreacting can also just be irrational anger over something small. I guess you can react however you want considering only fighting is overreacting to you.


Have you considered suicide yet? It really is the only way out for ya.

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In what way am I immature? In what way am I a jackass? I have a feeling you don't know anything about me. Well, apart from the fact that I enjoy e-battling morons like yourself.

You are putting words in my mouth by changing what I say to suit you purpose. 1700 posts does not equate to time on the board for instance.


Overreacting can also just be irrational anger over something small. I guess you can react however you want considering only fighting is overreacting to you.


Have you considered suicide yet? It really is the only way out for ya.

your right, i dont really know you, nor do i want to. exactly, your on here starting a pissing match because your ego is bigger than your fucking brain and you must think your right about everything cause you wont listen to a damn thing that anyone says, and yea in my book, that makes you an immature jackass.


maybe its just me, but i wouldnt count some stupid ass kid almost wrecking into me cause he driving like a dumbass something small, especially since there were kids involved. maybe once you actually have kids of your own, youll look back at this realize how fucking stupid you sounded.


im done with this thread and arguing with your stupid ass, its making my IQ drop.

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your right, i dont really know you, nor do i want to. exactly, your on here starting a pissing match because your ego is bigger than your fucking brain and you must think your right about everything cause you wont listen to a damn thing that anyone says, and yea in my book, that makes you an immature jackass.


maybe its just me, but i wouldnt count some stupid ass kid almost wrecking into me cause he driving like a dumbass something small, especially since there were kids involved. maybe once you actually have kids of your own, youll look back at this realize how fucking stupid you sounded.


im done with this thread and arguing with your stupid ass, its making my IQ drop.

I actually don't have a large ego. You failed there.

I don't think I'm right about everything. You failed there.

I actually listen quite a bit, especially when people speak rationally. You failed there.

Your book fucking sucks. You failed there.

Almost is the key word, shit happens. You failed there.

I hope I never have kids, so I doubt I will look back. You failed there.

I'm fairly positive your IQ is already low enough. You already failed there.


You gave up, I win. Fuck off you piece of shit.

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E-BATTLE! i'm down



this thread is a fucking joke.....


all i have to say is fuck off....... And am i seriously reading this crap right, you guys are talking about fucking his GF? how old are you guys really? i did that shit in middle school....




maybe once you actually have kids of your own, youll look back at this realize how fucking stupid you sounded.


Congrats on having a kid at age 20?

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