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Anyone into Anti-Material Rifles? (aka - "sniper rifles")


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I thik that i'm eventually going to buy one and I've narrowed it down to two weapons (the word "gun" is an understatement)


Barrett M82 Rifle (50 cal.) - this gun needs no intro, you see it everywhere... it's also offered in a bullpup design.










Denel (Mechem) NTW-20 (14mm rounds) - technically, this is a portable cannon.... the gun in halo was modelled after this...







I highly reccomend searching for a vid of the Denel NTW-20... it is sick



Which one do you guys like better?

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Tiny projectile? hows the impact?


Also... 7mm doesn't even compare to a BMG 50.cal let alone a 14mm Mechem round. 7mm actually equates to just around 27.cal.



These Guns (the NTW-20 moreso than the Barrett) make extreme impacts.


People always assume that a small projectile cannot make a huge impact... but the design of the projectile, and the effect of impact have ALOT to do with its "Damage ability".



But also, spaceghost, as i said...the 7mm round versus the NTW-20 14mm would be small.... this also reverts back to my other point, the 14mm is (by default) twice the size as that 7mm rig you spoke off... yet it will do (much) more than twice the damage.



I'm not de-crediting that rifle that you speak of, but there are 1,000 different 7mm rifles out there.. i would have to know what exact gun you are speaking off.





BTW, fun interesting fact. the barrett Mag capacity is 5 rounds... the NTW-20 is 3 rounds

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No 20mm. No care. :p



20mm Vulcan:



If I were going to get into large caliber rounds, I'd most definitely have a reloading setup, first. Now, I know you can reload .50BMG, but the 14 and 20mm, I'm not so sure about. I'd be hard to say the least.


I would also hope that you have deep pockets if you decide to get into this type of shooting. Everytime you pull the trigger is going to cost you between $4-$15, again, depending on choice.


15mm is cannon status.


If it were me, I'd go .50BMG. It's relatively much cheaper than the other two, and there are a bunch of different guns made to shoot it.

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Is an FFL class 3 permit need to purchase a weapon like this. I'm assuming so but i dont want to make an ass of myself


No, for the .50BMG.


No, for the 20mm, though you'll need to pay your $200 stamp tax because it is considered a destructive device.


No, for the 14mm, but I'm not sure if it's considered a DD since it's just shy of cannon status.

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^^^ Agreed on your last point.


I know that the BMG M82 costs about 8,500.00...


The Denel ... i don't know the cost, i assuem about 12-15 grand.


6 bucks a shot isn't that expensive considering the cost of the gun....

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Training ammo $8 each Tracer ammo $15 each + shipping (minimum order required).


I'd cry everytime I pulled the trigger.


There are 3 things in life i don't complain about...


1. the cost of gas

2. the cost of tires

3. the cost of ammunition




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I'm not knowlegeable on the subject, he had it custom made for him by a gun company, he is an Ex-Airforce pilot. It's all military spec I think, he was speaking in a lot of jargon and it was over my head, we were shooting it at a outdoor range in the Phoenix Suburban area of the east valley, the range is set up for long range targets, and has a mountain for the backstop. :) My dad is a tool though, the sheriff monitoring the line was walking around and not caring to look at most guns when there was a cease fire and you have to step away from the rifles. The sheriff walks over to my father's gun picks it up and looks it over and says "what you use this for, hunting?" My father replies, "I just use it." :lol: What a tool he is, all he does is go to ranges and shoot at metal targets that are far away. Not sure about the impact but I'm pretty sure it could kill you from far away. If you stand behind him when he fires it, you can feel the heat of the combustion when he fires it. I never fired it, I didn't want my prints on it. My dad is kinda crazy in the head. I was having a blast with his 50 year old .45 "old western" riffle he was given by my grandfather when he was 8. Damn thing is hard to be accurate with at 100 yards. It was fun to pretend I was Clint Eastwood trying to shoot the hangman's noose like in "The Good The Bad and The Ugly".
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Is an FFL class 3 permit need to purchase a weapon like this. I'm assuming so but i dont want to make an ass of myself

I dont think so. I know Aumillers in Westerville had a Armalite.50 for sale with no special permit.

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As much as I love the barret rifles, I really can't justify spending $4K for a Barret M99 and get to shoot it once a year. I have one place in Kentucky to shoot it, and @ $3 per round, just not worth it to me. I'll be happy with the Van Dyke .300WSM I should be picking up in August.


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Barrett M99, single shot goodness


I'd be willing to drop the $4K on it

I know for fact .50BMG is the largest civilian legal caliber, now with 20MM I can't remember, but it's something along the lines of dangerous ordinance permit. They throw RPG's, and grenade launchers into those categories.

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^^^ Yeah


the NTW-20 (14mm) and other 20mm "guns" are classified as "cannons"


The M99 is a decent gun if you want single shot (hello 1842)... If you are looking for a closed-quarter combat gun i would rather have the m95... it's the tightest bullpup i've seen....


put it this way, if i had 4k to drop on a single shot new-age rifle... i'd sack-up/save-up and spend 7k on a used M82



BTW... the Cheytac is cool... it also costs twice as much as the BMG m82... no thanks! at 14k... i'd find a DENEL NTW-20

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I have to ask this so don't take this as offensive - how much experience do you have shooting at 800-1000+ yards? - If you aren't reaching that far, .308 and .338 will suit you much better and with the right shooting skills/rifle, can still be tack drivers at extreme ranges.
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put it this way, if i had 4k to drop on a single shot new-age rifle... i'd sack-up/save-up and spend 7k on a used M82



You mean semi auto. 10 round box mag, and it's semi auto aka Army's M107. Granted the Army is going after a semi auto sniper system (SR25/M25 variations). The M107 isn't for precision, as it is for light armor/fortified positions. If you want something nice and tight, do the M99 in a .416. It'll do more than get the job done, especially against zombies or presidents who's last name begins with O.

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