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Your as gay as that photo, now let the big boys talk and organize a race that you think is bad mmmmkkkaayyy


You're illiterate, obviously, as I never once said street racing was bad. Congrats on being an absolute retard.


In addition, you have no idea what that photo refers to, and thus, have no room to comment on it.

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You're illiterate, obviously, as I never once said street racing was bad. Congrats on being an absolute retard.


In addition, you have no idea what that photo refers to, and thus, have no room to comment on it.



Um i think i just did asshat



http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51740 What again was the comment you made to Linn about asking for races?????

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You're illiterate, obviously, as I never once said street racing was bad. Congrats on being an absolute retard.


In addition, you have no idea what that photo refers to, and thus, have no room to comment on it.



without being a dick, he wasas trying to say that paul skates; and that is asas cool as me playing raqcuetball.


if pat eveer lost his virginity than he could express himself a little nicer.

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...which has ZERO to do with my stance on Street Racing. Absolutely ZERO. Again, you are illiterate.



i am illiterate yet i went back a found evidence of you stand on racing and even Linn walking around asking for races......... so i may be illiterate but at least am not acting like a nagging woman telling everyone what to do.

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i am illiterate yet i went back a found evidence of you stand on racing and even Linn walking around asking for races......... so i may be illiterate but at least am not acting like a nagging woman telling everyone what to do.


Wow, you really did not read what I had to say at all. Don't comment on what you don't read.

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Wow, you really did not read what I had to say at all. Don't comment on what you don't read.


Dont post on a forum with racing in the name and when you dont have a car worth racing ( i know your response will be "I race auto X bla bla bla").



Phil i respect sports like that

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Dont post on a forum with racing in the name and when you dont have a car worth racing ( i know your response will be "I race auto X bla bla bla").


You are a huge moron. Are you this stupid in the real world too?

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You are a huge moron. Are you this stupid in the real world too?



Thats the only response you could come up with? Your slipping man, getting sloppy with the comebacks. Why dont you come back when you actually have something worth while to post instead of weak sauce comebacks, beat to shit MR2's, and Trek garbage.

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Thats the only response you could come up with? Your slipping man, getting sloppy with the comebacks. Why dont you come back when you actually have something worth while to post instead of weak sauce comebacks, beat to shit MR2's, and Trek garbage.


Its not a comeback, its an inquiry. Why don't you stop wasting time with things you know nothing about, and take some time to order a "Hooked-on-Phonics" set?

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Its not a comeback, its an inquiry. Why don't you stop wasting time with things you know nothing about, and take some time to order a "Hooked-on-Phonics" set?


still failing, move on from the whole iliterate thing it lame and not even remotely funny.



Main Entry: in·qui·ry

Pronunciation: \in-ˈkwī(-ə)r-ē, ˈin-ˌ; ˈin-kwə-rē, ˈiŋ-; ˈin-ˌkwir-ē\

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural in·qui·ries

Date: 15th century

1 : examination into facts or principles : research

2 : a request for information

3 : a systematic investigation often of a matter of public interest



I see no facts from you, no public interest in you and no one requests anything from you except to leave this forum.

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