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SuperSloLT1, 04scantypeturbo, murderdoutmafia, 79lesspower,and Sinisterpedophile CREW

V8 Beast

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mike did you call me out? must of missed that but whenever you come down im in for sure


and paul my slomaro will put 10 cars on that neon of your any day of the week. fixed or broke. 50 $ says I whomp you in the srt, ill give you 5 cars in any race you want, and I bet I still kill your car

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still failing, move on from the whole iliterate thing it lame and not even remotely funny.



Main Entry: in·qui·ry

Pronunciation: \in-ˈkwī(-ə)r-ē, ˈin-ˌ; ˈin-kwə-rē, ˈiŋ-; ˈin-ˌkwir-ē\

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural in·qui·ries

Date: 15th century

1 : examination into facts or principles : research

2 : a request for information

3 : a systematic investigation often of a matter of public interest



I see no facts from you, no public interest in you and no one requests anything from you except to leave this forum.


An inquiry is a question. I asked you if you are just as stupid off of the internet. Apparently you are.

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Ok no joke this is about 20 pages of just nothing but bull shitting


Brian way to go on creating 20 pages of shit u fail lol


Ps phils got a supra with such a big wing even a civic would be jelous... pics to come when I get home ahahahahahaha

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hey I had that car back in h.s, it was sweet, I even have 18 in wheels that go on it. but I bet 2000 before 2010 that I walk whatever car you buy. 2010 . trust me I got plans for that car, I just have to hit 11.5 in the z first
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why don't you shut the fuck up you nerd. lol I don't know why I said that, I apologize. have a nice day




Oh noes my goodness rubbed off on him???? I thought I would never see this girl apologize.


IT MUST BE TRUE. From now on bacon is a vegetable. Hold on while I edit wikipedia...

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you fucktards are still going at it..... this thread got good with cats pics and boobies.



but with a bunch of dumbfucks arguing over who's shit will be faster in 2 years and whos cool and who though there shit was cool in HS.


it is just major failure now...


brian lock this cluster fuck up!

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no sir, who would pay your child support if i wasn't around

Again, lacking the funny and grammar. I have no children and I am not a child. Sense? You make none.

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Again' date=' lacking the funny and grammar. I have no children and I am not a child. Sense? You make none.[/quote']


i am no longer viewing your opinion as valid. please remove yourself from this planet

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