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Time to think...

V8 Beast

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I think we're closer to "zombies" than we realize.


Just look at the heated anger that our conservative vs liberal discussions bring. How long before that anger boils over and we have murderous behavior? The country is becoming more and more divided. United we stand, divided we fall.

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LOL! I see exactly where the guy is coming from, it's just that he could have done a better job on the ending. We could sit here and debate all night long about it and both of us would be right. I put it in the parking lot because it was a random thought. If I wanted to debate I would have put it in the kitchen.


What Scott did was disagree....Tommy is trying to start a debate :bangbang:



Maybe it's the drugs? lol


There's no love loss, I didn't throw any gernades, just some opinions. I'm not saying you are a control freak, but wishing that we could control the world sounds like one. I wish we all could live in peace too.


Oil is hard because everyone wants to point the finger at someone else, and typically in one direction, where the factors numerous.


I brought up the cell phone to illustrate that people are affected by oil prices as a matter of personal choice. I choose to drive a gas powered car, just like I could choose to pedal/walk to work. I choose to talk on a cell phone for communication, but I could also choose to meet in person. Oil companies want your money, but they don't force it down your throat....we all make choices.

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All good and valid points... I work for Verizon so the cell phone thing touched a nerve lol!


Oh I know. I researched your posts to figure that out. I wanted to make sure I struck that chord. BTW, I can't seem to come close to my minutes package. I hit 200 minutes last month. I don't think I've hit 1000 EVAR!

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I often feel as though I am cursed because I do not have the ingnorance gene. I like to think and go through everything with a fine tooth comb which leaves me worried, scared, and often looking for a solution for situations I have no control over. Ignorance must be bliss because knowing definitley isnt.


How many of you are like this? How many of you think about wars, violence, senseless acts, and wonder how do we control this? As people it's a shame that we have not evolved past violence. After all of these centuries you would think we would have evolved.. but for some reason we still act like cavemen figting over the last piece of deer meat.


At this point the only advances we are making are to fix things we messed up while advancing.....

This made me think of this (oh, too much late-night TV for me),


First paragraph.

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