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Gemini Gambling club/lounge


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At a local tournament about a year ago, I received a flyer about this so called Gemini Gambling Club. I have yet to go, however now I want to. Is it still even open? Who has attended? Is it nice, is it worth it?


I remember is was in the 161 area, but can't remember for sure, if it is still open, where is it located. I googled it, and can't find anything.


Next, is there any nice local(columbus) that are regular. If it is atleast 2/4 cash game or a nice size tourney, I will play for sure. The time and day doesn't matter, as I am gambling for a living now. Just want to get as many options for a game as posible. If you would prefer not to post any gambling info in this thread, feel free to either a) pm me, or b) call me via 740.251.8170





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I hate online, I can never catch the grasp of it. I guess I am more of a feel type of player. It seems like it take too much focus to pick up on betting patterns online than it does in live play.


With my current bank roll, I like 2/4 - 4/8, I have played 25/50 before, but I just can't afford to lose 5k right now until I have a larger bankroll.





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its pretty ghetto man, and the swings are wild as fuck. i went a few times back when it first opened up, and they didnt even have security cameras.


i wouldnt touch that place with a ten foot pole. anyone else whos interested should pm me.

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get on badbeats.net. theres games every night of the week in columbus man. tell them you were referred by "prophet" or "ego". (me or eli)



Yeah, Eli recommended the same site, except it was badbeatspoker.net, either way, my comp won't take me to the site.



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