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Anyone have experience with a speedo healer?

The King

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I got a Speedohealer V4 last year w/plug n play harness and had no problem installing it. The hardest part was getting my true speed. I ended up pacing a new Honda Accord with a digital readout and found out I was 7% slower around 65mph. Took the tank cover off, lifted tank up and hooked it all up. Ran the wires along my PC3, the directions they come with are ok and after reading a few times I got it worked out. Used their calculator for the % error to enter and got it set up. Wasn't hard to do at all, but I took my time and did things right the first time.

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I bought the SpeedoHealer one. Pretty easy to setup and they have an online calc to help you figure everything out. Install on the busa was plug N play with no cutting wires at all..



dude, we'll mount my gps to your handle bars ... should be easy to calibrate

Make sure you are on a straight road if you're gonna use a GPS. They aren't as accurate as everyone thinks. When measuring speed, they dont take the characteristics of the road into account

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Call me old school, I used to just put little narrow bits of red tape on the speedo to show the corrections. Maybe call me cheap, dunno...

A stopwatch is the way to go. Calculate your speed. Use the freeway mile markers, they are accurate. Print this out, so when the OSHP stops you for doing 35mph on the freeway, you'll have an excuse. Seriously, there are measured miles for this, that the ODOT provides. I just don't know where any are at anymore. Or even if they still do that.

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A stopwatch is the way to go. Calculate your speed. Use the freeway mile markers, they are accurate.


Very Nice. Going 60 mph it should take you exactly one minute to travel one mile. Too long and your speedo is too low/ to soon and your speedo is too high!

IDK about most of the bikes out there but the R1 has a lap timer that is perfect for this.

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