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Thug cop?

Guest mrhobbz

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either way there is a thin line between those who work in prison and those who are in prison.


Not everybody. I know.


That is so true, I work in corrections, a few weeks ago a lady was fired because she was giving in-mates pills and smoking in the bathrooms, another guy was fired for chatting on some chat line with underage girls, I was like you have to be fucking kidding me when I found this out. But even before this shit happen I told my boss that I did not like the 2 people and they seemed shady as fuck and had no reason being here.

I am also a convicted felon and served time in the joint when I was 18 for a prank gone wrong, when I got out I served for my country as a marine , got a degree then I came back to try to help some of the younger guys out here. There are so many guys locked up that just need someone to talk to, alot of them have been sexually abused growing up, beat down ect ect, then you have the guys that are instutionalised that dont give a fuck if they go or leave and is prolly going to do the same thing when they get out, My job is to help sort out between the two and find guys that want help.

But yes I work with alot of people I have no idea why they are here, just because they do not have felonys on there records do not mean shit to me, I know more shady shit goes on then what gets caught.

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