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Fitzgeralds tonight


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Bike night and Shotgun Kelly is playing. (They rock out)


Bethel and Sawmill in front of the commie bastards at Wal Mart.


I am going for a pint or two and to catch at least one set of SK. (usually have to pay to see them and this is free) I think it is 25 cent wing night too...

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New owners... may still fail, but I will give it a shot


besides, I would go just for the band, if bike night is cool, maybe I come back. If it fails... I probably still come back because it is a block away, but not so often... :D

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LOL i have been there tonight, and I am about to go back. (i also live around the corner) just to see if SK is out of jail yet and gonna play.


The wings were good, but I was the only bike when I came in at 6pm. Three more or so showed by the time I left at 7:30.


I asked the barkeep when SK was playing, and they said "maybe 8 or 9, we heard the lead singer got arrested today."

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Ok, I have to go with Putty here... Bike night at Fitzgerald's fucking fails.


Half a dozen bikes at best, everyone sitting in small groups eyefucking you like they haven't been stabbed recently enough. And surely I look like a tool, but really...


The wings really were pretty good though... I am gonna poo funny later from the spicy garlic...


Oh, and teh singer is still in the clink...

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