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So I pulled a muscle yesterday like 2 minutes before I left for work yesterday. It hurts right where my belt is on my back.... I thought I would be ok at work but I took a half day off after I went to work.



Yeah I went to work today but it hurt a lot. I ate 6 advils and it didn't do anything.



So right now I am eating 2 of my fiance's lortabs and washed it down with 5 molson XXX beers.



Someone turn off the room because it is fucking spinning out of control kthx :eek:

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dude did you read the bottle? your kidney may never forgive you


events like this are why my coffee says "warning, HOT"


Edit: Didnt mean to sound like a dick. I was drunk earlier and now I'm just critical/in a bad mood because i ran out of beer. We all do stupid shit :bangbang:

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dude did you read the bottle? your kidney may never forgive you


events like this are why my coffee says "warning, HOT"


Edit: Didnt mean to sound like a dick. I was drunk earlier and now I'm just critical/in a bad mood because i ran out of beer. We all do stupid shit :bangbang:

Meh, Molson isn't real beer anyway.

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alcohol + lortab= no no. Your liver is being destroyed as you type.


I made this mistake at a New Year's Eve party a couple years ago. Took 2 of them, and drank a buttload of rum. I puked out things that I'm pretty sure used to be part of my liver, and that was more than enough to teach me a lesson.


But lortabs on their own are still a lot of fun ;)

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dude did you read the bottle? your kidney may never forgive you


events like this are why my coffee says "warning, HOT"


Edit: Didnt mean to sound like a dick. I was drunk earlier and now I'm just critical/in a bad mood because i ran out of beer. We all do stupid shit :bangbang:



If it says on the bottle "alcohol may intensify the effect" that is not a warning. This my friend is part of the optional directions!


I didn't throw up! ;)

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