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Apartments on the westside...

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Sometime next spring, like around March or April or so, two of my friends and I will be looking for a CHEAP 3-bedroom apartment. Anything on the westside, or maybe something near downtown or campus. Places in UA and Dublin would probably be a little expensive, so maybe around Hilliard or Grandview or something.


Must have 3 bedrooms and be in a somewhat decent area. Having the option of a garage would be nice. We wouldn't mind living on campus, but don't like the idea of having our cars parked in/near the street. Most my friends who live on campus get their shit stolen or run into, and we don't wanna deal with that.


Any suggestions, opinions, feedback, etc. is welcome :cool:

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The Quarry is nice, off of 5th Ave, but I don't think it will meet your criteria of CHEAP. Try apartments.com?


Thanks, yeah I'll give it a look, and I'll check out those little free magazine things too, and I'm sure I'll drive around a lot and check out different shit. But any personal opinion from someone who has lived in whatever apartment is what I'm looking for :cool:

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Cheap, safe, close to campus. Pick two.


If you want a compromise look at the north end of Grandview (close to upper arlington) or in the cheaper parts of upper arlington itself (like on Northwest near lane). I know people who have had good luck in that area.

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Cheap, safe, close to campus. Pick two.


If you want a compromise look at the north end of Grandview (close to upper arlington) or in the cheaper parts of upper arlington itself (like on Northwest near lane). I know people who have had good luck in that area.


Yeah, actually thats the first place I was gonna look was that area. I know nice places near campus won't be cheap, I'm just hoping I can find a compromise much like you suggested

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The Quarry is in the realm of $1,500/month or so.

Why not try some of the places off Rome Hilliard Rd? Think those are quite "cheap" for a 3 bedroom.


I lived in those apartments right across from Steak N' Shake on Rome Hilliard a few years back. They were decent apartments and reasonably priced. There are several very similar complexes in that area with similar pricing.

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  • 2 months later...
South Clintonville is a really nice area, try looking at columbus.craigslist.org too, I have some friends that live on Kelso in clintonville and it isn't bad at all, mostly younger married people live around them.


I drove around that area earlier today, but didn't really find anything because I don't know my way around there at all.


The Quarry is in the realm of $1,500/month or so.

Why not try some of the places off Rome Hilliard Rd? Think those are quite "cheap" for a 3 bedroom.


Yeah, I've found a few places for a good price that I'll check out


I lived in those apartments right across from Steak N' Shake on Rome Hilliard a few years back. They were decent apartments and reasonably priced. There are several very similar complexes in that area with similar pricing.


One of my best friends lives there, and they are pretty nice. I didn't think they have 3-bed apartments though?


Grandview is a nice place to get your drink on and rent would be cheaper from what I've seen. (I dated a pharmacy student that lived there. Marshall's was nice to drink @ BTW)


Actually I was driving through there today and I noticed Marshall's. A girl I know is always talking about that place.

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