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McCain's VP is............


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I couldn't care less about Mccain/Palin because they're both frauds as well, but anyone who willingly votes for Obama/Biden is a moron. Both parties are corrupt beyond belief but I think you liberals like it that way.

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First, I have long believed in the importance of being an informed

voter. I am a voter registrar. For 10 years I put on student voting

programs in the schools. If you google my name (Anne Kilkenny +

Alaska), you will find references to my participation in local

government, education, and PTA/parent organizations.


Secondly, I've always operated in the belief that "Bad things happen

when good people stay silent". Few people know as much as I do because

few have gone to as many City Council meetings.


Third, I am just a housewife. I don't have a job she can bump me out

of. I don't belong to any organization that she can hurt. But, I am no

fool; she is immensely popular here, and it is likely that this will

cost me somehow in the future: that’s life.


Fourth, she has hated me since back in 1996, when I was one of the 100

or so people who rallied to support the City Librarian against Sarah's

attempt at censorship.


Fifth, I looked around and realized that everybody else was afraid to

say anything because they were somehow vulnerable.


No axe to grind here...

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No axe to grind here...

Just focus on the math, like these gems:

-She inherited a city with zero debt, but left it with a deficit of $22+ million.

-6 years as Mayor: Increased general government expenditures 33+%.

-6 years as Mayor: the amount of taxes collected by the City increased by 38%.

-$15,000,000 multi-use sports complex, built on property with no clear title. In litigation for 7 yrs.

-In this time of record state revenues and budget surpluses, she supported borrowing for road projects.

-While Mayor of Wasilla, tried to fire City Librarian because he refused to consider removing books that she wanted removed.

-Needed help of a city administrator to run town of about 5,000


Seriously, fucking with the library distrubs me. Regardless of who reported on it or what they said,t he fact remains that she tried to get books removed from a public library, and that is called censorship. I'd like to see the list of books.... was Ferenheit 451 on there?

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Regardless of the numbers this woman posted...you can't please everyone.


I won't even go into the deficit comment because if you don't know Economics 101, you wouldn't understand the different types of budgets to run. Budgeting for surplus limits expenditures and growth while budgeting for deficit leaves you wide open to spend as much as you can borrow. There's absolutely nothing wrong with either - if you understand what the fuck they are.


Most librarians I know are bitches anyway, so no sympathy here.


Sports Complex - keeps the kids form getting too fat and puts people to work - what's the problem?


Taxes went up? Whao...over 6 years... Did the income rates increase? What was inflation? There are too many fucking variables to even discuss this here. Now, if she said, 80% of the town was on welfare AND taxes were going up, would that make sense to you? You can't bitch about taxes without understanding why it's in place and what the contributing factors of the economy are. She didn't say anything about the rest of the town's economy so fuck her.


If I was mayor, I would hire a grunt too. Kinda like working for a shop. Yeah, you do all the work and get a paycheck, but the owner is the one at the golf course. Cry more.

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No vote...no care what you have to say...Kbye

Refusing to take part in your beloved bullshit two-party system is considered not voting? If I end up voting for Mccain, consider it a vote-against rather than a vote-for.




...and go ahead and keep defending the candidate your pansy party throws at you.

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Regardless of the numbers this woman posted...you can't please everyone.


I won't even go into the deficit comment because if you don't know Economics 101, you wouldn't understand the different types of budgets to run. Budgeting for surplus limits expenditures and growth while budgeting for deficit leaves you wide open to spend as much as you can borrow. There's absolutely nothing wrong with either - if you understand what the fuck they are.


Most librarians I know are bitches anyway, so no sympathy here.


Sports Complex - keeps the kids form getting too fat and puts people to work - what's the problem?


Taxes went up? Whao...over 6 years... Did the income rates increase? What was inflation? There are too many fucking variables to even discuss this here. Now, if she said, 80% of the town was on welfare AND taxes were going up, would that make sense to you? You can't bitch about taxes without understanding why it's in place and what the contributing factors of the economy are. She didn't say anything about the rest of the town's economy so fuck her.


If I was mayor, I would hire a grunt too. Kinda like working for a shop. Yeah, you do all the work and get a paycheck, but the owner is the one at the golf course. Cry more.


+Rep for you :D

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All I heard was, "He did this...he did that..."


So, he didn't vote on a bill!!! What the fuck was in the bill? It probably had millions going to build a fucking thumbtack historical museum. Ever heard of a pork barrel?


The reason we can't get shit done and bills approved is becasue you don't have one bill for one item. They cram it full of stupid shit that nobody wants and then the "other" side screams foul when it doesn't pass.


Dems: We tried to pass 13 bills on insurance reform and the Pubs stopped them.

Pubs: We tried to pass 13 bills on military spending and the Dems stopped them.

Dems: Yeah, well your bills also had shit in it about opening ANWR.

Pubs: Yeah, well yours had shit in them about raising taxes to support AIDS research in Africa.

Dems: Fuck it, we aren't going to support shit and you can't fire me.

Pubs: We can't be fired either, so fuck you too.




Pubs: Wanna go play golf on the taxpayers dollar.

Dems: Yeah, I wanna try out these new clubs I got from some insurance lobbyist.

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All I heard was, "He did this...he did that..."


So, he didn't vote on a bill!!! What the fuck was in the bill? It probably had millions going to build a fucking thumbtack historical museum. Ever heard of a pork barrel?


The reason we can't get shit done and bills approved is becasue you don't have one bill for one item. They cram it full of stupid shit that nobody wants and then the "other" side screams foul when it doesn't pass.


Dems: We tried to pass 13 bills on insurance reform and the Pubs stopped them.

Pubs: We tried to pass 13 bills on military spending and the Dems stopped them.

Dems: Yeah, well your bills also had shit in it about opening ANWR.

Pubs: Yeah, well yours had shit in them about raising taxes to support AIDS research in Africa.

Dems: Fuck it, we aren't going to support shit and you can't fire me.

Pubs: We can't be fired either, so fuck you too.




Pubs: Wanna go play golf on the taxpayers dollar.

Dems: Yeah, I wanna try out these new clubs I got from some insurance lobbyist.

You're my hero.

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Just found this about Mccain

Hmm... any chance you could post something not compiled as a propaganda film by a union?


Speking of short term solutions to long term problems, I'm watching the DNC now, and Steele is asking "do you want to keep your country first?"... but he follows it with a list of things more akin to putting yourself first; lower taxes, drilling all over the place, "doing whats necessary" against terrorism (patriot act).

Doing what makes things easier now is not putting your country first.

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Allot of these guys at the RNC are saying the exact same things about McCain...




...that they said about W. How are we supposed to trust their judgment after a folly like that?


I'm pretty sure they say the same things on both sides about both candidates every 4 years. At least thats the way its been in my 30yr life.


Oh well I'm one that still loves Bush and history will prove me right, but we'll all be old or in the ground by then so it doesn't really matter. Hehe I'm even browsing the net for a portrait of him to put on the wall in my office.



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I'm just saying take a look at now long dead presidents. We have no feelings one way or the other. We simply have facts as recorded those facts have been edited, forgotten, wrote about by countless authors and now we have what we call history.

In the grand scheme any president in a time of trouble will be remembered for speeches given, photos taken, things like that. Some people obviously hated Lincoln and he died as a result, but history doesn't quiet get the emotion across like living at the time.

100yrs from now people will remember that on sept 11th 2001 a radical group blew up the world trade center. They'll see photos, videos, they won't feel much except probably feel bad for the people at that time going through that terrible act.


Hell there will probably be movies out if they are still something people watch about great men and women doing heroic acts for people they don't know.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and hope (hehe I threw in an Obama word) that Iraq is a stable country and a tourist destination by then as well. I'm not expecting it because the middle east is pretty crazy and fought over way to hard, but I'll have hope I guess. It would be nice to see some of the early human history around that region.



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There are things I don't like about some bush policies. I'd prefer he take a very conservative stand on spending, pushing against the Dems, and not putting his foot down on the fact that he's in yr 8 of his presidency and to my knowledge he is still letting the Dems stall on the appointing of a lot of lower than supreme court judges (can't remember the title.) Oh and I basically don't like the fact that he's a politician, but what can you do.



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