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same thing happened to me last year. if you can prove you had insurance at the time that you got the last ticket, then you can get off. i went through the same exact shit last year. being corropitive with some officers doesnt help, they man handle you like your trying to resist and you are just doing as they ask to make the situation easy. gl brotha, if you need any info i can help a lil bit. i swear i went through the same exact problem.
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I was driving along in my beater when a cop flies up on me like a reckless cock hole. Pulls me over, gets my information and asks me to step out of my car? Proceeds to cuff me in the middle of Westerville where I’m sure people whom knew me could have witnessed easily this charade.


Lieutenant igotmypromotionthxtoholidayweekendmoney proceeded to try to fuck with me, I have a shaved head so I guess I fit the profile for him to do so? He tried to make me look as if I were under some sort of influence on a Sunday morning.


Why is your pant leg wet?

“I don’t know, it’s 85 degrees out here and I don’t have air conditioning in my car – and you are handcuffing me in the middle of the street, should I not be sweating?”

With attitude back at me “alright just making sure I don’t want anything nasty on me.” And they both laugh, that’s hilarious really.


I learned something in my psych classes. Some people are too fucking dimwitted to explain directions to others verbally – that was definitely officer farva here, because in 5 words I could have explained the process of getting handcuffed. Dumbshit had to turn this into some sort of twisted situation where as I was not sober or competent enough to “put my hands back to back and lock my fingers.” Wow! I did it in 10 words and it makes perfect sense, maybe I am qualified to be a police officer of even better caliber!


After putting me in the back of the car they ask if I would like anything from my car. Yes, my cell phone, my an line, and my crossover pipe from the back seat. They bring me my shit and ask what I smoke out of these things? Great, keep harassing me. Your wives are probably getting fucked by fireman right now.


Turns out I had a ticket some time ago in the Cobra. I was unable to provide my insurance card because I was on a very short drive and left my wallet home. Well upon forgetting this they decided to place my license under suspension from the 18th to the 13th of this month and issue a warrant for it! God damn if I’m not slangin crack and shooting people they catch me for the not so bad shit I do! Wait a second…


Hit me from all sides. Took my car to impound for 8 days, set up court date, gave me 3 tickets, and had my dad come pick me up like a fucking child. Because those twisted shits wouldn’t mention to just any civilian that my dad could have come and got my car rather then take the fucking thing. With the money this will total I have no choice but to drop school and collect my tuition money or sell my 3 year project car.


First step is to charge shamrock for the 8 day rental of my gorgeous car – then I’m turning them into collections for it, I hope they keep it clean for me. Second I’m providing the insurance for that first ticket and I’m really going to dispute why a paid ticket would carry a warrant and a suspension under Ohio law. Because if I find one hole in this I’m going to stuff the fucking thing.


It's not the ticket, its the lack of financial responsibility. You only have 30 days or less IIRC to come back into court and prove that you had and have insurance, otherwise they will do this to ANYONE, not just you. Don't feel too special.

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It's not the ticket, its the lack of financial responsibility. You only have 30 days or less IIRC to come back into court and prove that you had and have insurance, otherwise they will do this to ANYONE, not just you. Don't feel too special.




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You're dumb that's not a burn.



Jones, I appreciate that you are an intelligent guy. That's why I hate to tell you that you are dead wrong. You can not in full faith tell me that would happen to anyone and is procedure. Just because it went down does not mean that it went down correctly.


A warrant should not have been issued on a paid ticket. A suspension is according, but not a warrant!


I bet it was the lawyer that tacked my ticket up a little higher for his extremely challenging job. If he did not report the status of my ticket I will nail him for fiduciary trust.



That is all. You guys can proclaim your love or what have you. I'm saving the rest of this for monday.



just pointing this part out, if you dont have proof of insurance at the time that the officer request it, its not the ticket that your getting the warrant for, its failure to provide proof of insurance. thats a whole different ticket upon itself.

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just pointing this part out, if you dont have proof of insurance at the time that the officer request it, its not the ticket that your getting the warrant for, its failure to provide proof of insurance. thats a whole different ticket upon itself.

Yep. And both are paid in full. Receipts are friends

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Yep. And both are paid in full. Receipts are friends



did you take your proof of insurance in from tht day?



i got arrested cause i didnt have my card on me in january, so my warrant in june got me put in jail. but after ishowed that i was with an insurance company on the day i was ticketed the 1st time all charges were dropped

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did you take your proof of insurance in from tht day?



i got arrested cause i didnt have my card on me in january, so my warrant in june got me put in jail. but after ishowed that i was with an insurance company on the day i was ticketed the 1st time all charges were dropped

I'm working on getting the car that states this.

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You're dumb that's not a burn.



Jones, I appreciate that you are an intelligent guy. That's why I hate to tell you that you are dead wrong. You can not in full faith tell me that would happen to anyone and is procedure. Just because it went down does not mean that it went down correctly.


A warrant should not have been issued on a paid ticket. A suspension is according, but not a warrant!


I bet it was the lawyer that tacked my ticket up a little higher for his extremely challenging job. If he did not report the status of my ticket I will nail him for fiduciary trust.



That is all. You guys can proclaim your love or what have you. I'm saving the rest of this for monday.





Hey sweetcheeks, guess what happened when I had my last ticket and didn't have an insurance card when I went to the courtroom?



Judge: You have 30 days to provide proof of insurance sir.

Me: Sorry about that, I'll bring that in tomorrow

Judge: You understand that if you do not furnish insurance, a warrant will be placed for your arrest, correct?

Judge: Gulp, yes I sure do.



Guess who provided insurance the next day ?

You'll only need 1 guess I bet!

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Hey sweetcheeks, guess what happened when I had my last ticket and didn't have insurance when I went to the courtroom?



Judge: You have 30 days to provide proof of insurance sir.

Me: Sorry about that, I'll bring that in tomorrow

Judge: You understand that if you do not furnish insurance, a warrant will be placed for your arrest, correct?

Judge: Gulp, yes I sure do.



Guess who provided insurance the next day ?

You'll only need 1 guess I bet!

David Hasslehoff?

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If you have receipt that you paid and provided proof for insurance then i cant see any worries. if you paid and did not provide the proof then yea there will be a warrant out for your arrest. When i was pulled over i was told that would happen if i did not provide.
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