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Biden is fucking shit up already for obama.


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So CNN ain't the communist news network or are they only putting that on their website to be "fair and balanced" while showing their other face on TV?


Oh and Rush was pretty excited about Obama picking Biden. He said he didn't know when to shut up and would cause lots of trouble for him.



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Why not bring up how Palin axed special needs education funding in her public schools by 60+%


McCain is a good strong candidate, Palin is a zealot'ous liability who only appeases the far Right.


This is how the GOP operates. They spin a valid argument by calling it a low blow. In 2004 they called everything anti-Bush as anti-American.

They fuck you and fuck you and fuck you, and you cheer for more. ("you" being indirect).


"Playing politics with this issue is disturbing and indicative of a desperate campaign."

And a draft dodger attacked a decorated Vietnam volunteer' patriotism in 2004. Fuck the GOP, don't listen to anything they say.

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McCain is a good strong candidate, Palin is a zealot'ous liability who only appeases the far Right.


I agree with you here too, but she's still a MILF with the librarian look. I like her as a conservative, but I hate her as a "christian." I'd much prefer any religious views stay clear of government and that logic should rule, but libs have their own agenda (could be considered religion) and I like it a lot less.



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I agree with you here too, but she's still a MILF with the librarian look. I like her as a conservative, but I hate her as a "christian." I'd much prefer any religious views stay clear of government and that logic should rule, but libs have their own agenda (could be considered religion) and I like it a lot less.



If McCain had picked a running mate more like himself, he'd have my vote sealed right now. Palin is bad enough to lose it.

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Did you actually read the article? Nowhere in there did I see anything that he did wrong. He supports stem cell research (which everyone thinks they know everything about) and questioned why, if the Republicans want so badly to help those who can be helped so greatly by the research, are they not supporting it or even talking about it. So, instead of speaking on the issue, they whined that they were being attacked with a "low blow" twisting things around and dodging the issue.

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Of course, dressing her in tight biz-formal shit and parading her around isn't disrespectful in the least.


Huh? They are downplaying her looks. Hair down, more makeup, lose the glasses... then I would buy the "parading" around line.


Then again, I don't care how she looks.

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