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Dear Mr. Obama


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We are sending people off to other countries to fight for their freedoms while some (Thorne lol) will argue that we are losing freedoms ourselves. Yes its their right to want to be free, but why does American blood have to be mixed in there? Are we the worlds baby sitter in charge of making sure every country is given the freedom they deserve? If so I'm not sure we have enough troops the handle the load of this planet. I'm all for helping people, but have you not seen the shape America is in right now... We litterally cant afford it!


I to this day still do not understand this war. Are we there just to make sure another Saddam doesnt happen????

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We are sending people off to other countries to fight for their freedoms while some (Thorne lol) will argue that we are losing freedoms ourselves. Yes its their right to want to be free, but why does American blood have to be mixed in there? Are we the worlds baby sitter in charge of making sure every country is given the freedom they deserve? If so I'm not sure we have enough troops the handle the load of this planet. I'm all for helping people, but have you not seen the shape America is in right now... We litterally cant afford it!


I to this day still do not understand this war. Are we there just to make sure another Saddam doesnt happen????


very well put Brian. We shouldn't have gone there, and we shouldn't stay there. Every day we're there we are bankrupting our country even quicker.

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We are sending people off to other countries to fight for their freedoms while some (Thorne lol) will argue that we are losing freedoms ourselves. Yes its their right to want to be free, but why does American blood have to be mixed in there? Are we the worlds baby sitter in charge of making sure every country is given the freedom they deserve? If so I'm not sure we have enough troops the handle the load of this planet. I'm all for helping people, but have you not seen the shape America is in right now... We litterally cant afford it!


I to this day still do not understand this war. Are we there just to make sure another Saddam doesnt happen????

With great power comes great responsibility. That's how the saying goes. It doesn't say "with great power comes great laziness and the ability to ignore the tyranny of others".


very well put Brian. We shouldn't have gone there, and we shouldn't stay there. Every day we're there we are bankrupting our country even quicker.

Study economics fella, this isn't bankrupty this country. Go ahead and pull all the troops out now. While you're at it, go slap people like Scott in the face. I mean, he just wasted his time there so we could run away, right?

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With great power comes great responsibility. That's how the saying goes. It doesn't say "with great power comes great laziness and the ability to ignore the tyranny of others".


At the same time great power requires the ability to know when and when not to use that power. Sometimes you have to let the weak stand up for themselves or else they will always be weak.

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At the same time great power requires the ability to know when and when not to use that power. Sometimes you have to let the weak stand up for themselves or else they will always be weak.

Agreed, to a point. In Iraq, there was no way for the citizens to stand up to Saddam. We're still there because even now they can't stand up for themselves.


At this point, we are teaching them to fish (to use an old phrase).


Edit: Damnit, I'm not on my name.

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Good point. I just hope we find a resolution soon. If the new President pulls them out before the job is done it will look like we were there for nothing. I say reduce the number of troops over there and reassess the situation yearly going forward.

That I agree with. We pulled out ~8000 recently too.

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Study economics fella, this isn't bankrupty this country. Go ahead and pull all the troops out now. While you're at it, go slap people like Scott in the face. I mean, he just wasted his time there so we could run away, right?


it's far from the only thing hurting our country, but it sure as hell is helping keep a weight on our head while we're trying to tread water!



You're correct, it's a tough situation with regard to pulling out, and we can't really just leave.....BUT...After this time it's becoming evident that there will be problems no matter when we pull out, either now or later. We can't seriously occupy Iraq in the same fashion we are now forever. If you'd like an analogy it's like a parent teaching their kid to ride a bike....we're running with them right now, and at some point you have to let go and let the kid figure out the rest.


I certainly don't mean any disrespect to the troops and I don't think you shouldn't take it that way. I've even tried to not speak out in the past about the war while we have young men and women over there, but it's gone on long enough, it's time to bring them home.

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Give me a "M"!


Give me an "E"!


Give me a "H"!


What does that spell?!




You are a piece of shit, that man of his own free will signed up to defend our country, and paid a price for doing his duty. That deserves our respect, and his opinions deserve the same courtesy, no matter if you agree with them or not. What have you done. . . other that reap the rewards from brave men's sacrifices and live under the blanket of secirity they provide?

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You are a piece of shit, that man of his own free will signed up to defend our country, and paid a price for doing his duty. That deserves our respect, and his opinions deserve the same courtesy, no matter if you agree with them or not. What have you done. . . other that reap the rewards from brave men's sacrifices and live under the blanket of secirity they provide?


Your a piece of shit, Just because the man signed up does not mean we need to vote mccain, There are many people who sign up for the military that by no means is a reason that his words are better then someone elses.


If thats the case then we should all vote ron paul because more troops backed him then any other candidate.

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Your a piece of shit, Just because the man signed up does not mean we need to vote mccain, There are many people who sign up for the military that by no means is a reason that his words are better then someone elses.


If thats the case then we should all vote ron paul because more troops backed him then any other candidate.


My post has nothing to do with McCain or voting, it's about a disrespectful post toward a servicemen. Learn to read.

Also, a person who defends this country in battle will always have more weight than a couple jackass' stroaking thier e-peen, it is how the world works, get over it.

It is brave men and women like that allow you live in an awesome country where you can spread whatever stupidity you want over the internet without worrying about a government censorship or retaliation.



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Umm I'm aware of what the fuck ur talking about. I'm just saying just because he supports mccain and is a trop does not mean he is worth 2 votes or anything else. It means he served his country and like mccain nothing more.


Any country that is shitty if wewent in and helped them the story would be the same. Why don't we help out america some?

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Umm I'm aware of what the fuck ur talking about. I'm just saying just because he supports mccain and is a trop does not mean he is worth 2 votes or anything else. It means he served his country and like mccain nothing more.


Any country that is shitty if wewent in and helped them the story would be the same. Why don't we help out america some?


He is talking about the disrespectful fucking attitude of whoever posted "meh" towards the video. He is not saying the guy should have 2 votes or is better than anyone else. That comment is just straight trashy.

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