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Sarah Palin 20/20 ABC Interview


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Evasive? Like when Gibson asks her if she supports the "Bush Doctrine?" There is no clear definition of the Bush Doctrine and he was just trying to make her look bad. Some people say the BD is the spread of democracy, some say it's the war on terror etc.


BS questions.

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Evasive? Like when Gibson asks her if she supports the "Bush Doctrine?" There is no clear definition of the Bush Doctrine and he was just trying to make her look bad. Some people say the BD is the spread of democracy, some say it's the war on terror etc.


BS questions.


Bush Doctrine is most likely going to evolve and be viewed by future historians as the policy of preemptive war under the guise of "peacekeeping", also not declaring war and ignoring the lessons of past idiotic presidents a la Nixon.

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gibson is a douche bag, asking stupid unfair questions, McCain/Palin are not Bush/cheney. Die hard republicans dont like McCain because he doesnt go the party line.

Thorn has to admit that the media has given Obama a free pass, and any time he sits down with somone he is given softball questions. how come you dont see a prime time TV interview where Obama is asked why he think he has expierience when he doesn't have any, what bills he has written, or how Illinois gave him any foriegn policy expierience?

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gibson is a douche bag, asking stupid unfair questions, McCain/Palin are not Bush/cheney. Die hard republicans dont like McCain because he doesnt go the party line.

Thorn has to admit that the media has given Obama a free pass, and any time he sits down with somone he is given softball questions. how come you dont see a prime time TV interview where Obama is asked why he think he has expierience when he doesn't have any, what bills he has written, or how Illinois gave him any foriegn policy expierience?

Didn't you see him debate Bill O'Reilly? Bill tore Obama apart, but nobody will remember the interview because they don't want to. It was only about a week ago. Seriously, Obama looked like he wanted to withdraw badly. Unfortunately the people who like Obama won't watch it or haven't yet, simply because they only look to draw up dirt on Mccain/Palin.

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Didn't you see him debate Bill O'Reilly? Bill tore Obama apart, but nobody will remember the interview because they don't want to. It was only about a week ago. Seriously, Obama looked like he wanted to withdraw badly. Unfortunately the people who like Obama won't watch it or haven't yet, simply because they only look to draw up dirt on Mccain/Palin.


I watched it, but Bill O'rly spent all his time trying to prop up ridiculous questions, most of which were about how G W Bush wasn't "really" doing a bad job. Maybe if ANYONE had respect for Bill the interview would have gotten more play. As it is, I give Obama credit for even going on the show, regardless of what they talked about.

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I watched it, but Bill O'rly spent all his time trying to prop up ridiculous questions, most of which were about how G W Bush wasn't "really" doing a bad job. Maybe if ANYONE had respect for Bill the interview would have gotten more play. As it is, I give Obama credit for even going on the show, regardless of what they talked about.



Yeah, the sonofbitch only has the number 1 rated cable TV news program. Nobody respects that asshole...get a clue.





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That's like saying people respect Jerry Springer. Get real.

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That's like saying people respect Jerry Springer. Get real.



Difference between entertainment and news, jeffy. You get your world info from sources you respect.


Nobody respects him, but close to 7 million watch him a night....yeah, ok.



Not sure what Springer's ratings are these days though, maybe by your definition nobody respects him either.

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Difference between entertainment and news, jeffy. You get your world info from sources you respect.


I actually did watch two nights of the interview, purely for the entertainment of watching O'Reilly huff & puff and shout rapid fire questions at Obama to make him look like a deer in headlights. Obama handled that interview really well. Just because he couldn't get a word in because the "interviewer" wouldn't let him start to answer one question before he yelled three more out, doesn't mean Bill tore him up. He actually took time to think about what he was going to say, rather than throw out some knee jerk answers, like another candidate.


Let's see McCain (or Palin) get interviewed by Keith Olbermann (and I can't stand Olbermann almost as much as O'Reilly) and see how well that goes.


I really loved when he went into his Fox News vs NBC News rant before the interview. He is fucking delusional!

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Difference between entertainment and news, jeffy.


Not between Bill and Jerry, they are both entertainment. If you think Bill is up there every night to enlighten you to anything but his desire to hear himself speak, you are fooling yourself. The sad fact that he gets air time on a "fair and balanced" news network is beyond the scope of this discussion, he is a personality and that's what people tune in for.

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Not between Bill and Jerry, they are both entertainment. If you think Bill is up there every night to enlighten you to anything but his desire to hear himself speak, you are fooling yourself. The sad fact that he gets air time on a "fair and balanced" news network is beyond the scope of this discussion, he is a personality and that's what people tune in for.


It's easy for you to call him entertainment. I'm sure you are one of the 7 mill who watch him and that makes you an expert. Fact is, the guy is pretty fair. Grant it, he is obnoxious at times, but most of the time he is responding to a just as obnoxious guest.


If you watched the show, you would be a credible critic.


Sorry for the threadjack. Jeffy if you want to start an "I hate O'reilly" thread, have at it.

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gibson is a douche bag, asking stupid unfair questions, McCain/Palin are not Bush/cheney. Die hard republicans dont like McCain because he doesnt go the party line.

Thorn has to admit that the media has given Obama a free pass, and any time he sits down with somone he is given softball questions. how come you dont see a prime time TV interview where Obama is asked why he think he has expierience when he doesn't have any, what bills he has written, or how Illinois gave him any foriegn policy expierience?


I do agree the media is being light on Obama. But what do you attack on him? Mccain is running the sleazist compaing that I've seen in my life. But I've only been able to watch and understand politics since Clinton.


Mccain has a list of lies a mile long. I'm making a thread for it here in a few minutes

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I do agree the media is being light on Obama. But what do you attack on him? Mccain is running the sleazist compaing that I've seen in my life. But I've only been able to watch and understand politics since Clinton.


Mccain has a list of lies a mile long. I'm making a thread for it here in a few minutes


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Fact is, the guy is pretty fair. Grant it, he is obnoxious at times, but most of the time he is responding to a just as obnoxious guest.


Jesus. You just lost your "Take my posts seriously thread".


O'Riley makes John Stewart look like effing Santa Clause on the politically biased scale.


For all in tents and porpoises I want to shake the niavety right out of you

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Jesus. You just lost your "Take my posts seriously thread".


O'Riley makes John Stewart look like effing Santa Clause on the politically biased scale.


For all in tents and porpoises I want to shake the niavety right out of you




Gee, another hater lefty that hates O'reilly? Say it aint so! You and the other guy watching Olberman should flip the channel from MSNBC and watch it a few times.

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Gee, another hater lefty that hates O'reilly? Say it aint so! You and the other guy watching Olberman should flip the channel from MSNBC and watch it a few times.


Show me a single litmus that indicates I am left leaning in any way. I am a political moderate that has the unique ability to see the pros and cons of a multitude of situations.


Instead of blindly lining up behind a single candidate and being a mindless puppet for the party (read: team), I weigh the issues for each and every plank of the platform.


What I will do is call out people like you who happen to be the problem with todays polarized political landscape when they make absolutely ridiculous ascertations like: "Fox news is fair and balanced" and "Bill O'Reilly is objective".




It is common knowledge that MSNBC is clearly liberal and FOX is as right as they get. Believing that one is objective while the other is balanced is the result of ignorance to one's own submission to a party line.


I resubmit, You are an idiot.

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Show me a single litmus that indicates I am left leaning in any way. I am a political moderate that has the unique ability to see the pros and cons of a multitude of situations.


Instead of blindly lining up behind a single candidate and being a mindless puppet for the party (read: team), I weigh the issues for each and every plank of the platform.


What I will do is call out people like you who happen to be the problem with todays polarized political landscape when they make absolutely ridiculous ascertations like: "Fox news is fair and balanced" and "Bill O'Reilly is objective".




It is common knowledge that MSNBC is clearly liberal and FOX is as right as they get. Believing that one is objective while the other is balanced is the result of ignorance to one's own submission to a party line.


I resubmit, You are an idiot.



Yep, crazy lefties resort to name calling.


Did you watch last night? O'reilly blasted Bush and everyone in his cabinet. SEC chair, Energy Sec, etc. And I happen to agree with him.


So here is a thought...try rushing to another conclusion and make yourself look worse.

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LOL at those vids. The reason she has been sheltered until now is becauseth GOP has been cramming shit down her throught to get her ready for those kinds of questions.

She plain as shit doesn't know anything[/i] outside of her own state, and apparently she didn't study hard enough over the last month.

She is evasive because she can't answer the question. She should have studied under Bill Clinton (ha! under!), then she might actualy be good ad dodging.

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