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AntiZombie Crew dot com


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Whatev.. all good.. Just saying.

I had the ohioriders idea well before bikes were even a twinkle in your eye :)


This is actually quite funny the more I think about it. You're trying to take credit for the idea of two websites you had nothing to do with. Yet, you never mentioned these supposed ideas to anyone nor did you do anything about them. Now, years after Ohio Riders was started, you post here publicly, essentially saying I stole your ideas.




Well, let's walk through the creation of both sites, shall we?


Ohio Riders - A little over two years ago I wanted to expand the "Daily Ride" section here on CR, but nobody thought it was worth it. So after running the idea past Putty, I went ahead and registered the domain names and put up a site. It took off better than even I expected. Its been great so far.


AntiZombie Crew - Yesterday I PMed Schmuckingham (the overlord of the anti-zombie crew) on Ohio Riders what he thought about an anti-zombie website. He loved the idea, so I sent him a list of available domain names to pick from. He and I both liked http://www.antizombiecrew.com, so I registered it and had the site you see now up in around two hours. What's quite funny is after I setup the website I found another one (http://www.antizombieleague.org) which was setup in 2006. So, when did you have this idea? Because technically, someone beat both of us to it.


So, Putty and Schmuck; did the idea of either of these two sites come from Johnny Law?

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This is actually quite funny the more I think about it. You're trying to take credit for the idea of two websites you had nothing to do with. Yet, you never mentioned these supposed ideas to anyone nor did you do anything about them. Now, years after Ohio Riders was started, you post here publicly, essentially saying I stole your ideas.




Well, let's walk through the creation of both sites, shall we?


Ohio Riders - A little over two years ago I wanted to expand the "Daily Ride" section here on CR, but nobody thought it was worth it. So after running the idea past Putty, I went ahead and registered the domain names and put up a site. It took off better than even I expected. Its been great so far.


AntiZombie Crew - Yesterday I PMed Schmuckingham (the overlord of the anti-zombie crew) on Ohio Riders what he thought about an anti-zombie website. He loved the idea, so I sent him a list of available domain names to pick from. He and I both liked http://www.antizombiecrew.com, so I registered it and had the site you see now up in around two hours. What's quite funny is after I setup the website I found another one (http://www.antizombieleague.org) which was setup in 2006. So, when did you have this idea? Because technically, someone beat both of us to it.


So, Putty and Schmuck; did the idea of either of these two sites come from Johnny Law?

Damn, man. Relax. He was just saying it was an idea not taking credit for the damn invention of the phone! :p

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There's a site called zombiewalk.com or something where people gather, dress as torn up zombies, and roam around different cities. That would be fucking fun.




i have heard about this a few times, they did one in Cbus a few years back.




Brian i would be more inclined to intrude on their fun

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