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USC losing just makes tOSU that much worse. Getting their asses handed to them by a team that got beat by Oregon State. Yeah it is nice seeing USC get beat, but I would've much rather them won last night. It would have been better for the buckeyes.


Plenty of people said that about Michigan losing to App. State last year, too...

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Michigan losing to App State couldn't have really hurt Ohio States chances though. If I remember right(which i dont), Michigan was ranked worse than Ohio State, so yeah, them being the last game of the season.......... you know what, it's just easier to say i know where you're coming from. I just woke up and can't debate shit right know. I don't even remember what i was getting at, I think i even fell back to sleep for a second half way through typing this
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USC losing just makes tOSU that much worse. Getting their asses handed to them by a team that got beat by Oregon State. Yeah it is nice seeing USC get beat, but I would've much rather them won last night. It would have been better for the buckeyes.


Negative. Anyone that has any common sense will see past that logic. Colin Cowherd made a great point about this today, you have a bunch of teenagers out there who's emotions can swing in an instant, no 2 weeks are alike in any sport for the most part.


Think of this: At the end of last season Ohio state and USC both marked their games knowing full well it should be a great game for both and making preparations for the game, Oregon State did the same marking USC as their big challenge for the year and made their preparations as well.


I think USC made a mistake having all this time off, also the fact that everyone has been stroking their cocks since they beat Ohio State they got complacent.


I'd rather lose to #1 every week than be #1 and lose to an unranked team!!

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