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Bail Out Fails!!!


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Good governments grow, prosper, decline, and then perish.


Ours is subject to the same unalterable forces.


The decline sets in when any government can no longer correct itself.

Ours might be at that stage.


It is a joke and everyone knows it. Nobody can do anything to reform it.

That is the beginning of the end.


It currently is a system custom built for failure. It was built to deal

with the excesses of the English Monarchy. It did that, and now it is

hopelessly corrupt and inadequate.


It is repairable, but the repair has to come from the very people who

enjoy the current level of corruption. That isn't going to happen

anytime soon.

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So me and the lady came up with our master plan! We moving to fucking Australia to get away from all this shit! WooHoo! lol


I was thinking that same thing, but theres tons of poisonous spiders and snakes and shit


How's Germany these days? Autobahn anyone?

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I was thinking that same thing, but theres tons of poisonous spiders and snakes and shit

That is what EVERY person I have talked to has said. But, I figured that you are more likely to get shot walking down the street here than you are to be bitten by some fucking bug or whatever. They have one of the lowest crime rates over there too. And Im not a big fan of the whole europe thing. Yeah, they got the autobahn but, I hear they all smell funny. j/k lol

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That is what EVERY person I have talked to has said. But, I figured that you are more likely to get shot walking down the street here than you are to be bitten by some fucking bug or whatever. They have one of the lowest crime rates over there too. And Im not a big fan of the whole europe thing. Yeah, they got the autobahn but, I hear they all smell funny. j/k lol



so after reading alot today apparently Europe will most likely get fucked as well in this whole debacle. I'm assuming most other world markets will feel it as well more than they already have.


I guess its just picking whichever one is least affected and closest to our own society.


I wonder what the cost of living is like in australia?

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