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Raped women should not be able to have an abortion


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Holy fucking shit.


WOW , Morning after pill is bad?

WOW, Incest/Rape you should have the baby omg.

Oh my fucking god. Thorne, you're understanding is absolutely incomprehensible. First off, she didn't say either of the things you stated, she spoke more on personal terms rather than actual policies. She even plainly stated that she would not condemn someone for having an abortion. As a general way of life, she just thinks it's better to place preventive measures above "fixing" measures. For instance, I question why someone openly wants abortions available, when pregnancy is so easy to avoid these days, but that's my personal opinion. As a policy, I think any doctor willing to perform an early term abortion, should be free to do so.


Luckily, I think the upcoming generations will stop and think before beating off to a youtube video that fits their agenda.

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WTF you think raped women should be forced to have kids. WWOWWOWOWOW


I guess Jesus allowed incest so why not

I think it is not the child's fault and they should not die because of it. Adoption is a wonderful thing. I have family members that have adopted 3 kids and they are just as much our family now as my kids are. I am sure they are glad Mom decided to adopt them out.

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WOW Another liberal thread form Thorne


Want to see what Abortion does? NWS click


Look at this one. 8 weeks NWShttp://www.priestsforlife.org/resources/abortionimages/08week/03_08.jpg

This is why I hate this subject. The one side of me tells me that we're moving to a society that may one day cherish life enough to actually think out actions and preventive measures and that some tolerance for this sort of thing may help us move there. The other side of me sees pictures like that and thinks, "wow, how can so many people not see the contradictive action they're making?"

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If she's against abortions as a personal view - Ok.

If she's against abortions as a political view - Not Ok (IMO).


I'm for allowing abortions so long as the damn thing doesn't have any kind of brain waves bouncing around in there. At that point, I would say it's no longer a glob of cells and that it's actually 'human' and that it's too late. I'm not a pregnacy expert, but doesn't that happen right about the 2nd trimester? Good, so you've got 3 months to get rid of it. More than enough time.


Rape - Abort

Incest - Abort

An unwanted child - Abort



I might be considered a fruitcake or someshit like that, but I feel some people take the value of human life waaaaaay too serious. I'm of the opinion that we're just another species of animal and that animals are born and die every single day. I don't shed a tear for every life that's extinguished.

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A woman should have a choice in the matter. Who are you to tell a woman what she can or can not do. She will be the one going through the motions for 9 months not you.


On that note, I also believe the guy should have a say in the matter. If he formally declares that he wants the child aborted, and the mother refuses, then he should have no legal bindings to it once it's born.


Yes, I'm a cruel bastard.

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On that note, I also believe the guy should have a say in the matter. If he formally declares that he wants the child aborted, and the mother refuses, then he should have no legal bindings to it once it's born.


Yes, I'm a cruel bastard.

Absolutely my viewpoint. Nature is cruel.

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I really don't agree with much of what Palin says. I think if a woman decides she wants to have an abortion within the first trimester, she should have the right to. If the woman knows she will not be able to be a good mother of give the child a good life why bring it into the world? And there is no guarantee the child will get adopted of have a good life that way. If she is a rape victim i can see where even looking at her child if she chooses to have it could remind her of it.


It's a touchy subject, but I don't think people should get so involved in other people's personal beliefs. I don't think anyone can like abortion. It's just what the woman thinks best at different points in her life or after/during different situations.

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On that note, I also believe the guy should have a say in the matter. If he formally declares that he wants the child aborted, and the mother refuses, then he should have no legal bindings to it once it's born.


Yes, I'm a cruel bastard.



I have no problems with this. Teach the kid early that life is not fair.


On a side note I am one of those people who will tailgate and drive with brights on to any car I see that says "student driver". I want to teach these kids early that shit like this is bad and they should never do it.

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Everyone on this planet has a woman in their immediate family that has aborted a child, whether by choice or becasue their body rejected the fetus.

Not exactly, mis-carriage and abortion are 2 different things. One is a natural rejection, where as the other a doctor is physically killing a living human.

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Not exactly, mis-carriage and abortion are 2 different things. One is a natural rejection, where as the other a doctor is physically killing a living human.


I said aborted, not abortion. At least you understood my point. If a woman's body rejects a fetus, it's ok. If she personally rejects it and has it removed, it's an issue.




When you gonna make me a deal on that Leer lowpro top and bedrug for my truck?

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I think it is not the child's fault and they should not die because of it. Adoption is a wonderful thing. I have family members that have adopted 3 kids and they are just as much our family now as my kids are. I am sure they are glad Mom decided to adopt them out.


Because rappists are always known for having a strong mental back ground that would help a child THRIVE.


You relize Mental illness is hereditary ?



and incest come on

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