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Raped women should not be able to have an abortion


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Because rappists are always known for having a strong mental back ground that would help a child THRIVE.


You relize Mental illness is hereditary ?



and incest come on


Please admit you're just kidding.


Palin never said what you accused her of saying. She said that she didn't agree with abortion and she would counsel the victim of rape BUT would NOT seek legal action against them.

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Because rappists are always known for having a strong mental back ground that would help a child THRIVE.


You relize Mental illness is hereditary ?



and incest come on



And on this note......Thorne, please don't have children.



You sound ignoramus. Because a baby/child/person has a mental illness we should have the right to kill them.....that real smart. Watch what your saying.


People just don't respect the value of life.


If you don't want the baby.....how about adoption???????

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Has anyone in here actually been with a woman while she was giving birth? I have. Do you understand the amount of pain she is in for close to a day if not longer... and lets not forget about the 9 months before that. If she wants to abort then no one should stop her.


Human life is wonderful and all but aborting a human that hasn't been born yet isn't all that bad. Do you know of anyone that remembers life inside the womb of their mother?

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And on this note......Thorne, please don't have children.



You sound ignoramus. Because a baby/child/person has a mental illness we should have the right to kill them.....that real smart. Watch what your saying.


People just don't respect the value of life.


If you don't want the baby.....how about adoption???????



What the fuck is your malfunction. I personally deal with mental illness and recognize this and because of this I would not have children. What I'm saying is I would not want to submit a child to the shit I've delt with you fucking tool. Maybe you should think about the source of a statement before you quickly judge.


I personally deal with mental illness. I would NEVER wish it upon anyone.

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What the fuck is your malfunction. I personally deal with mental illness and recognize this and because of this I would not have children. What I'm saying is I would not want to submit a child to the shit I've delt with you fucking tool. Maybe you should think about the source of a statement before you quickly judge.


I personally deal with mental illness. I would NEVER wish it upon anyone.


Mentally ill + weapon owner = Do you work at the post office?

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Please admit you're just kidding.


Palin never said what you accused her of saying. She said that she didn't agree with abortion and she would counsel the victim of rape BUT would NOT seek legal action against them.


When voting for someone I take there personal beliefs very serious. That tells me allot about there charter. This is from a women who charged for rape kits.

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When voting for someone I take there personal beliefs very serious. That tells me allot about there charter. This is from a women who charged for rape kits.


Rape kits should be paid for by taxpayers?


Personal beliefs and legally bound obligations as the VP are not the same thing.

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Rape kits should be paid for by taxpayers?


Personal beliefs and legally bound obligations as the VP are not the same thing.


She will be abale to influence law. She also would be next in line to be the president. Bush looks like a scholar compared to her so far in the speeches.

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She will be abale to influence law. She also would be next in line to be the president. Bush looks like a scholar compared to her so far in the speeches.



WTF do speeches have to do with personal responsibility. The VP office is a job with specific measurable tasks. Hitler was a fucking great speaker, so can I assume you would have voted for him?


If you think that she can influence law or even other politicians, you are sadly mistaken and uniformed. Do you think that if she was VP that the rest of Washington is going to roll over and do her bidding? Get real...

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Guest 614Streets

As someone who actually had a child aborted , me , and a ex gf, Its our choice not yours. She did it , I did not object and she later married whom she was later involved with and was not burdened by child raising during her later enrolement to the coast gaurd and schooling.


Nevermind the fact we could have raised a child , the fact is we didn't. It wasn't planned.



I had a girl who has never gotten it right call my phone repetedly yesterday from guesswhere , the courthouse, asking me to help , money , time etc. Now from time to time I have done a thing or two such as buying a single momma grocery for a week for her kids etcetc, but the fact is and you know dam well is. These knocked up at young age girls , face defeat even if they try hard not to. Weigh that for a minute along with caring about all other human beings equally as children you ignorant christian pretending bastards.


And FYI the streets didnt give that bitch a dime.

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Why the fuck does the Gov't have to says if it is "legal" or not.


It is none of their god damned business.


It is the WOMAN's decision. SHE makes it, SHE lives with it.





i if i go out and kill you, its my decision, i make it, i live with it, its no ones business, why does the government have to say its legal or not.

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the masturbation is against the law I mean each sperm is a life waiting to happen !.



To each anti abortion person stop and think for 1 sec. What if your wife was rapped tonight. Would you want her to have to go threw with a child?

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the masturbation is against the law I mean each sperm is a life waiting to happen !.



To each anti abortion person stop and think for 1 sec. What if your wife was rapped tonight. Would you want her to have to go threw with a child?

We would have to think about it at all. She would have the baby. The only though would be about if we would put it up for adoption or not.


The Baby may be related to the rapist, but it would also be a living human, born of my wife.

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