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Raped women should not be able to have an abortion


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Ok, So lets get this right.


Raped women should be fucked over for the rest of there life.

You don't believe in Welfare.

But the death penality is ok?

No one said they had to keep it. Adoption is a great thing. If you made a law that says only women that have been raped may have an abortion. That "rates" of rape will increase.

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No one said they had to keep it. Adoption is a great thing. If you made a law that says only women that have been raped may have an abortion. That "rates" of rape will increase.



I'm not so sure about that, it might increase a little bit, but the woman would really have to hate the guy she was with. They'll find out who he is by the rape kit, if she is pregnant there will be DNA, then they would actually have to prove he raped her.

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Ok, So lets get this right.


Raped women should be fucked over for the rest of there life.

You don't believe in Welfare.

But the death penality is ok?



I never said such things. Raped women or any woman can make her own decision if she wants to keep the kid or not. I believe in Welfare. The death penalty is ok for very violent crimes or repeat offenders to the same crime.

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I think the varying opinions speak for themselves. On one hand you have people who are against it 100% and the other who are not against it 100%. Why should the government tell people with different opinions what to do or think? After all isn’t that what makes this such a “great” country. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. If you feel abortion is the right thing for you and your situation, then why should other people or the Government stop you. And if you want to have a baby and adopt it out, then that should be your choice too. I’m not agreeing with or against it, I’m just pointing out that with such strong opinions on both sides of the fence why should the government make the decision, why not leave it up to the people involved.
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I agree. I don't think it should be up to the government at all. It's the same with all the other controversial issues that they want to amend the constitution for.

The country was built and based Judeo-Christian beliefs, and abortion is considered murder under those beliefs. That's why it's a gov. hot topic even with the separation of Church and State.

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What the fuck is your malfunction. I personally deal with mental illness and recognize this and because of this I would not have children. What I'm saying is I would not want to submit a child to the shit I've delt with you fucking tool.


We all deal with mental illness on some level. I geniunely feel sorry for you that you have chosen not to have children based on the experiences you have had in your life. I was being a bit sarcastic, in my previous post.....but I just find your position unreasonable.



What I'm trying to get at is, where has the VALUE OF LIFE gone?? I mean seriously, it's as if we treat babies(clumps of cells) or not, like they are worth less.


Life is a precious thing...........it is seriously a MIRACLE. Babies are blessings, NOT curses, regardless of mental state.

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Rick, you claim to be a doctor, so you should KNOW the life-long health problems that can be caused by complications from child birth. Someone who has been raped, or worse, molested at a young age, should have to take that chance?


DO NO HARM. You KNOW that that doesn't just include physical harm. By not allowing a victim of sexual assault to terminate a pregnancy, you are contributing to the mental and emotional trauma of having to carry a child that was forced upon them against their will. What a wonderful human being you are.


Rape kits should be paid for by taxpayers?


Man, I really hope you don't actually believe a victim of rape should have to pay for a rape kit. Do you even know what a rape kit is?

It's a pack that includes all of the non-reusable instruments, containers, and utensils used in the exam given to rape victims to gather evidence, determine whether they are at risk of disease, and determine the extent of any injuries they may have suffered.

If you think that the VICTIM of a rape should have to PAY for that, then you really are a piece of shit.

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If you think that the VICTIM of a rape should have to PAY for that, then you really are a piece of shit.


You should think about the implications of victims getting shit for free before you lash out. Fuck you very much.

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Fuck it, I'll give you some things to consider. In case you can't see past your own fucking nose.


Rape victim = FREE rape kit?

Shark attack victim = FREE surgery? After all, the attack was completely out of their control.


If not free surgery, why the free rape kit?


I can think of examples of victims getting something for free but PLEASE explain why a rape victim deserves free medical assistance and nobody else does!

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You should think about the implications of victims getting shit for free before you lash out. Fuck you very much.


This is not "getting something for free". We're talking about the swabs and sample containers they use to gather DNA evidence, VD tests, even sutures and needles if the victim needs stitches.

It's not a lollipop given to a little kid who scraped her knee. It's an invasive process at a time when the victim probably doesn't even want to be in the same room as another human being. They use a speculum to open the vagina, take swabs and samples, and even do surgical repairs in the case of particularly violent rapes. They scrape under fingernails, swab anywhere the victim remembers being touched, even cutting hair samples if they find foreign substances.

All that, after someone has been RAPED. And you want them to have to pay for it.

You want to charge for police services? If someone breaks into your car, do you want to have to pay for an officer to come and take the report?

Got kids? Do you want to pay to gather the evidence necessary to catch the sick fuck who just raped your daughter?

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Fuck it, I'll give you some things to consider. In case you can't see past your own fucking nose.


Rape victim = FREE rape kit?

Shark attack victim = FREE surgery? After all, the attack was completely out of their control.

How the fuck does your mind come up with THAT argument? It's not even comparable. A rape kit is to GATHER EVIDENCE. It's an investigatory tool!

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BTW, just so you don't get to go stupid about me mentioning surgical repair for violent rapes, the victims ARE financially responsible for those. Fortunately, some people who are better educated and more emotionally developed than you have put together charities to help victims of rape pay for their medical procedures.


Triple, fuckface.

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I'm not saying they shouldn't be available and I don't take rape lightly.


I have sat in an ER while evidence was being collected. You know what the first thing asked was? Do you have insurance? Yes, that's right. The ER staff wanted to know who was going to pay for their time.


I assume you think that the doctors and nurses who conduct the collection work for free? The process took 4 hours and insurance paid for it.


I don't believe it is my responsibility to pay for your kids at the ER. As selfish as everyone is in this world, why the fuck should I care about what you do with your life? I just don't feel obligated to pay for it.

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The country was built and based Judeo-Christian beliefs, and abortion is considered murder under those beliefs. That's why it's a gov. hot topic even with the separation of Church and State.


It may have been, but the wording makes it sound as though it is supposed adapt to modern society. There are certain parts of the Constitution that have nothing to do with today's society. For example: The right to bear arms was intended for a state militia, yet we have adapted it to fit today. I'm not saying they should take that away, I'm just saying there were different intentions when it was written and if some of it is going to be adapted to today, all of it should be.

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BTW, just so you don't get to go stupid about me mentioning surgical repair for violent rapes, the victims ARE financially responsible for those. Fortunately, some people who are better educated and more emotionally developed than you have put together charities to help victims of rape pay for their medical procedures.


Triple, fuckface.



What a fucking hypocrite! First, you state, "All that, after someone has been RAPED. And you want them to have to pay for it." and then you backtrack, "the victims ARE financially responsible for those."


WTF do you think? Should they pay or not?


God Bless those who put together the charities. I wish we didn't have a need for such things.

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Fuck it, I'll give you some things to consider. In case you can't see past your own fucking nose.


Rape victim = FREE rape kit?

Shark attack victim = FREE surgery? After all, the attack was completely out of their control.


If not free surgery, why the free rape kit?


I can think of examples of victims getting something for free but PLEASE explain why a rape victim deserves free medical assistance and nobody else does!



Seriously? I can't think of anything that would be worse. Imagine being raped and beaten by some guy you don't know who just wants to forfill some sick pleasure. It's not a matter of just getting laid these people are psycho! You can get any desiese and pregnant by an attack. I know someone who has been raped. She never told anyone for years. So she never had a rape kit that you had to pay for. I guess you can thank her for not wasting your money. She was too scared to tell anyone. She went to a clinic to get tested for STDs after and that's it. She didn't even go around men unless she had to for a while after that, then when she finally decided to go on a date again, she was raped AGAIN! and guess what you didn't have to pay for that rape kit either. She knew who the guy was the second time but she still never told anyone until years later she was too ashamed of getting raped a second time. She thinks it was her fault. I can't believe you can compare that with anything else.

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What a fucking hypocrite! First, you state, "All that, after someone has been RAPED. And you want them to have to pay for it." and then you backtrack, "the victims ARE financially responsible for those."


WTF do you think? Should they pay or not?


God Bless those who put together the charities. I wish we didn't have a need for such things.


Did I say I think they SHOULD be responsible for those expenses? No, I said they ARE responsible for those expenses. Learn the difference between opinion and statement of fact.


Anything beyond the samples taken during the rape kit exam is the financial responsibility of the victim, just the way you like it.

The rape kit itself is a forensic procedure, part of the investigation into a crime, and therefore the responsibility of the state, the same as taking police statements, investigating murder scenes, etc,. Unless you think that victims should pay for investigating crimes, you have no reason to object to paying for rape kits.


Here's what the last few posts boil down to: You opened your mouth about something you have zero knowledge of, then when you got educated, you tried to turn a statement of fact around into an accusation to cover up the fact of your own ignorance. So, you're not actually a bad person, you're just stupid.

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Rick, you claim to be a doctor, so you should KNOW the life-long health problems that can be caused by complications from child birth. Someone who has been raped, or worse, molested at a young age, should have to take that chance?


DO NO HARM. You KNOW that that doesn't just include physical harm. By not allowing a victim of sexual assault to terminate a pregnancy, you are .

The fact is most child births are uncomplicated.


DO NO HARM would not count with respect to the murdered child?

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