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Obama-Ayers connection


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Gosh you can cite so many sources on this, but what in the hell is a presidential candidate doing associating with someone who feels they didn't do enough when bombing......


Now, Obama has "reputiated" his actions....but continues to associate with him. Accepting donations, sitting on boards with him, and just being associated with a KNOWN terrorist.....is this acceptable for someone who wants to be president of the United States.



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jesus, if you're going to post an article at least have the sense to read it. Ayers is now a professor at U of Illinois, and for the donations that everyone's freaking out about, IT WAS $200 FUCKING DOLLARS. Not only that but Ayers has never been convicted of anything, and if in the eyes of the justice system he's clean then he's clean.
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It sure stinks that everyone now knows about this (its been water cooler talk where I work for weeks) and no one really gives a shit (Obama is gaining steadily in the polls)... Maybe it's because villainy is in the eye of the beholder?


I'm not disagreeing with you, just trying to answer your question:


being associated with a KNOWN terrorist.....is this acceptable for someone who wants to be president of the United States.

Yep, sure is.

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jesus, if you're going to post an article at least have the sense to read it. Ayers is now a professor at U of Illinois, and for the donations that everyone's freaking out about, IT WAS $200 FUCKING DOLLARS. Not only that but Ayers has never been convicted of anything, and if in the eyes of the justice system he's clean then he's clean.


I contributed to a campaign. No background check before the money was accepted.

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jesus, if you're going to post an article at least have the sense to read it. Ayers is now a professor at U of Illinois, and for the donations that everyone's freaking out about, IT WAS $200 FUCKING DOLLARS. Not only that but Ayers has never been convicted of anything, and if in the eyes of the justice system he's clean then he's clean.




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I've associated with a number of convicted felons. Didn't know they were, but according to you, that doesn't matter.

Palin directly and knowingly associated with Alaska secessionists and witch hunters, and McCain served on the board of directors for the organization that carried out some of the most unscrupulous acts of the Iran Contra scandal.

Do you really want to play the guilt-by-association game? I'm leaving out allot.

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I've associated with a number of convicted felons. Didn't know they were, but according to you, that doesn't matter.

Palin directly and knowingly associated with Alaska secessionists and witch hunters, and McCain served on the board of directors for the organization that carried out some of the most unscrupulous acts of the Iran Contra scandal.

Do you really want to play the guilt-by-association game? I'm leaving out allot.


Liberal with a ninja sword.


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Waiting for Thorne to call you a racist...





Me too.........but is terrorist now officially a race?


I'm just interested in how people think it's acceptable to support someone who bombs America........I mean, he's as guilty as OJ for sure.

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Liberal with a ninja sword.


lol and +to you for building on the last post.


Me too.........but is terrorist now officially a race?


I'm just interested in how people think it's acceptable to support someone who bombs America........I mean, he's as guilty as OJ for sure.

Did you read any of the reply posts here? I mean, if you can't do that, then I guess I can't expect to you to have read an entire article.

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The right is banking on the definition of "terrorist". Which is drastically different pre-911 to post-911. Now-a-days we almost all think about terrorists wearing a towel for a hat, and being part of an extremist Islamic sect. That is definitely a part of terrorism as a whole, but pre-911 we were all Tim Mcvey-ey about what terrorists were suppose to be (see Arlington Rd, great flick). Now the right is specifically banking that the word 'terrorist' will resonate across the unwashed masses and instantly connect Obama to (again) Islam in some wacko fashion.


While the acts of The Weathermen were no doubt wrong, the idea behind revolting against your government, is one that is suppose to be ingrained in us as a people. The 2nd amendment is there not so we can go hunting, its specifically there for us to overthrow a corrupt government. Militias were quite often (late 90's) confused with terrorists (some deservedly), even though the act of rebeling is one of the most American things you can do. I would assume conservatives would agree with me about that. No, not the hyper-paranoid, telephone-tapping, internet carnivore scouring, Neo-Cons, I mean actual conservatives.


That said all Obama did was serve on a board, with a college professor, regarding education reform, 20 years after the Weathermen (an extreme political group, not muslim) floundered. Hyperbole from a party reeling, furrowing their brows in a vain attempt to comprehend why they're losing points in the polls.

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lol and +to you for building on the last post.



Did you read any of the reply posts here? I mean, if you can't do that, then I guess I can't expect to you to have read an entire article.


OBG.....I'm just trying to incite discussion. I don't think that people are paying attention. Folks at my job are talking about how Obama is a Muslim and how there is no proven "certified" birth certificate.


Do average folks just sweep this under the 30 years ago rug? I'm ok with that.


Don't mistake my inquisitiveness for stupidity, I just wonder what you folks are thinking about these specific issues. We hear enough about the witchcraft, humans walked with dinosaurs.....just trying to throw up the other side.

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The right is banking on the definition of "terrorist". Which is drastically different pre-911 to post-911. Now-a-days we almost all think about terrorists wearing a towel for a hat, and being part of an extremist Islamic sect. That is definitely a part of terrorism as a whole, but pre-911 we were all Tim Mcvey-ey about what terrorists were suppose to be (see Arlington Rd, great flick). Now the right is specifically banking that the word 'terrorist' will resonate across the unwashed masses and instantly connect Obama to (again) Islam in some wacko fashion.


While the acts of The Weathermen were no doubt wrong, the idea behind revolting against your goverment, is one that is suppose to be ingrained in us as a people. The 2nd amendment is there not so we can go hunting, its specifically there for us to overthrow a corrupt government. Militias were quite often (late 90's) confused with terrorists (some deservedly), even though the act of rebeling is one of the most American things you can do. I would assume conservatives would agree with me about that. No, not the hyper-paranoid, telephone-tapping, internet carnivore scouring, Neo-Cons, I mean actual conservatives.


That said all Obama did was serve on a board, with a college professor, regarding education reform, 20 years after the Weathermen (an extreme political group, not muslim) floundered.


Nice response!!!

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You honestly believe that Ayers has no influence on Obama? I mean his politcal CAREER started in Ayers basement for gods sake. Im all for rebellion but you cant get more radical. Rev. Wright...Lewis Faracon... To think Obama has not honestly been following the most radical racial, liberal, and socialst views allowed in this country is defined as ignorance.


But then again when you get into a heated debate with *traditional* democrate they put the blinders on to the facts, and bank on their "Feeling, or notion, or good wills" to provide their rhetoric.


I cant vote for Obama. Its sad because I see flaws in Mccain that are very unsettling. But I, like *that one*(LOL:rolleyes:) am a fundamentalist .

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But then again when you get into a heated debate with *traditional* (INSERT) they put the blinders on to the facts, and bank on their "Feeling, or notion, or good wills" to provide their rhetoric.


That may be a mirror you're talking to.


Facts eh ? Thats funny. Cause everyones got their own set of facts these days, just ask Fox News, they'll tell you all kinds of "facts".






All about his "relationship" Ayers.


What about Mccain and the Keating 5, seeing as how Mccain was, I don't know, actually old enough at that time to have actually been a part of that scam, and seeing as how similar practices are what got us into this mess we're in now, I would assume that would get more attention.




Just a wiki, research it yourselves.

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