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Obama-Ayers connection


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jesus, if you're going to post an article at least have the sense to read it. Ayers is now a professor at U of Illinois, and for the donations that everyone's freaking out about, IT WAS $200 FUCKING DOLLARS. Not only that but Ayers has never been convicted of anything, and if in the eyes of the justice system he's clean then he's clean.


according to the Obama campaign, they don't track contributions under $200 because they dont have to. So if he did contriute $200 we wouldnt know, or if he contributed $200 a lot...we still may not know.

*sarcasm coming* And yeah I totally forgot how patriotic and supporting of America our universities are. Columbia doesn't have a ROTC program, its not because they just don't have one, its because they refuse to have one. But yet they don't mind having the Iranian president come speak. So I wouldn't put it past any school to get a political activist to teach about, well, political activism. His "distinguished professor" tag is completely subjective

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Obama was 8 years old when this Ayers guy was doing all this BS they speak of. They attacking him for not casting him off as a terrorist.....I'm sure since McCain was 8....there's been SEVERAL people he's dealt with that he did not shun and should/could have.
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And yeah I totally forgot how patriotic and supporting of America our universities are.


Higher Education: Now with more un-American.


Oh no, some universities don't want to be West Point !?!?


Someone call the patriot police !

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Higher Education: Now with more un-American.


Oh no, some universities don't want to be West Point !?!?


Someone call the patriot police !

ROTC is far from West Point. Refusing a system for education geared towards the military is pretty un-Patriotic if you ask me. People quickly forget who preserves the freedoms to speak and act the way they do. West Point is 24/7 military, ROTC is a far cry from eating, breathing, and sleeping military. It's an organization, just like many campuses have organizations.

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Higher Education: Now with more un-American.


Oh no, some universities don't want to be West Point !?!?


Someone call the patriot police !


OMG!! Higher education professionals (teachers) pushing their political beliefs on there students? Yup. Happened in every class I had at OSU and usually was Democratic propaganda.


Hell, I have had classes where we were required to write a paper on our views and I was actually docked points initially as I supported Bush. When I confronted my teacher about it and made her read it again in front of me she changed my grade from a C to an A.


What I'm getting at here is this; I think that all colleges should have an ROTC program as that program is providing soldiers to protect the university. It's ludicrous to me that these same schools say support the troops yet they do not support them internally.


Fucking hippies.


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We already pay for the military on a person by person basis. Private schools operating without state funding shouldn't do shit if they so choose. That's what federal military is suppose to protect. Our rights to choose.


Don't get wrong, i'm not saying ROTC is a bad thing, but get your heads out of your asses, if a school doesn't want to offer it go somewhere else. That's like saying every business/person in this country should pay an extra military tax on top of all our other taxes (of which a portion already goes to the ... military), its absurd.


As far as your professor goes, that's pretty shitty of your teach, but your personal anecdotes hardly have any pertinent value to the subject, as Im sure we could find similar problems occuring every day on both sides. You confronted her, and your grade was corrected.

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We already pay for the military on a person by person basis. Private schools operating without state funding shouldn't do shit if they so choose. That's what federal military is suppose to protect. Our rights to choose.


Yeah...and if you choose not to support your military, than you shouldnt be protected. There are pleanty of other countries out there...pick one and move.


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You're missing the point, paying taxes already supports our military. Forcing curriculum on a PRIVATE (again, PRIVATE) school is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. That's freedom ?


What's next ? If I don't 'donate' extra money to the state this year I don't fire and police service. Fuck that.

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You're missing the point, paying taxes already supports our military. Forcing curriculum on a PRIVATE (again, PRIVATE) school is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. That's freedom ?


What's next ? If I don't 'donate' extra money to the state this year I don't fire and police service. Fuck that.


So you're the piece of shit that contributes the absolute MINIMUM and demands everything? Thanks, that explains a lot.


You have the freedom to not contribute one extra cent to the military, fire department or police department. You also have the freedom to watch your shit burn and not have your property recovered when it's been stolen.




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So you're the piece of shit that contributes the absolute MINIMUM and demands everything? Thanks, that explains a lot.


You have the freedom to not contribute one extra cent to the military, fire department or police department. You also have the freedom to watch your shit burn and not have your property recovered when it's been stolen.






Lets say you walk into a store, and you're buying a dildo (as you so often do), and you bring your dildo to the counter and the dildo man advises you that the cost is $3.00+ tax.


You head home in great anticipation of the dildism that is to follow. However when you arrive home you notice the shop keep standing in front of your door. He states before you go inside that you owe him another dollar he originally forgot about. You reluctantly agree and you go inside. You get inside just in time to see the man climbing through your window, and than he asks for another dollar.


Point: I pay my taxes, so fuck off about your 'minimum contributions'. The state/fed says "this is your part, pay and you get this." I pay, and now Im off to take care of myself, and my own. Its called CAPITOLISM.


P.S. Donating to already tax funded organizations isn't bad, I just don't. I "contribute" in other ways, united way, block-watch, mentoring, running for breast cancer (cause I love titties).

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P.S. Donating to already tax funded organizations isn't bad, I just don't. I "contribute" in other ways, united way, block-watch, mentoring, running for breast cancer (cause I love titties).

I first dis-liked your opinions, until you confessed your love of titties. Now I will stop screaming liberal at my computer. :)

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Lets say you walk into a store, and you're buying a dildo (as you so often do), and you bring your dildo to the counter and the dildo man advises you that the cost is $3.00+ tax.


You head home in great anticipation of the dildism that is to follow. However when you arrive home you notice the shop keep standing in front of your door. He states before you go inside that you owe him another dollar he originally forgot about. You reluctantly agree and you go inside. You get inside just in time to see the man climbing through your window, and than he asks for another dollar.


Point: I pay my taxes, so fuck off about your 'minimum contributions'. The state/fed says "this is your part, pay and you get this." I pay, and now Im off to take care of myself, and my own. Its called CAPITOLISM.


P.S. Donating to already tax funded organizations isn't bad, I just don't. I "contribute" in other ways, united way, block-watch, mentoring, running for breast cancer (cause I love titties).


Fucking liberal hippie.



Edit* forgot the :)

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Lets say you walk into a store, and you're buying a dildo (as you so often do), and you bring your dildo to the counter and the dildo man advises you that the cost is $3.00+ tax.


You head home in great anticipation of the dildism that is to follow. However when you arrive home you notice the shop keep standing in front of your door. He states before you go inside that you owe him another dollar he originally forgot about. You reluctantly agree and you go inside. You get inside just in time to see the man climbing through your window, and than he asks for another dollar.


Point: I pay my taxes, so fuck off about your 'minimum contributions'. The state/fed says "this is your part, pay and you get this." I pay, and now Im off to take care of myself, and my own. Its called CAPITOLISM.


P.S. Donating to already tax funded organizations isn't bad, I just don't. I "contribute" in other ways, united way, block-watch, mentoring, running for breast cancer (cause I love titties).


If you are a strong believer in capitalism, (with and A) then how can you support Obama, who is the biggest supporter of a socialist China-esk Government in our time, check his voting record, highest percentage of tax approval voting in the senate, whats he doing with all this tax money he plans to get? Give it to the poor , like Robin hood, no that wont happen, he will make Government bigger, and more envoking, he has not proven in his record to show otherwise.

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Lets say you walk into a store, and you're buying a dildo (as you so often do), and you bring your dildo to the counter and the dildo man advises you that the cost is $3.00+ tax.


You head home in great anticipation of the dildism that is to follow. However when you arrive home you notice the shop keep standing in front of your door. He states before you go inside that you owe him another dollar he originally forgot about. You reluctantly agree and you go inside. You get inside just in time to see the man climbing through your window, and than he asks for another dollar.


Point: I pay my taxes, so fuck off about your 'minimum contributions'. The state/fed says "this is your part, pay and you get this." I pay, and now Im off to take care of myself, and my own. Its called CAPITOLISM.


P.S. Donating to already tax funded organizations isn't bad, I just don't. I "contribute" in other ways, united way, block-watch, mentoring, running for breast cancer (cause I love titties).


This made me laugh, out loud, for minutes. I want to be your friend. You on myspace? rofl


He has an point though. We all pay into the system and are entitled to the services that are provided. Where the fuck do you get off spouting minimum contributions? I don't volunteer or donate at the local elementary school so my daughter shouldn't get an education that my tax dollars pay for? Do you have any idea how much firefighters and cops make? Seriously. I have SEVERAL in my family and went to medic school b/c I thought about taking that route as well. My point is they are all doing VERY well for themselves, and they absolutely should, but it doesn't mean I need to come out of my pocket with extras to make sure they do. That's what my taxes pay for. Wtf has this world become if your a liberal hippy for not contributing more than what's asked of you? If they aren't making ends meet then either generate more revenue (taxes and billing) or cut costs. It's called running a business.


Not to f'n mention that our local fire dept bills your insurance company for medic runs. Insurance that I pay a lot for. It looks like they're getting twice as much out of my pocket than some schlub who doesn't have insurance. Fucking minimum contributions. And you called him a piece of shit??

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This made me laugh, out loud, for minutes. I want to be your friend. You on myspace? rofl


He has an point though. We all pay into the system and are entitled to the services that are provided. Where the fuck do you get off spouting minimum contributions? I don't volunteer or donate at the local elementary school so my daughter shouldn't get an education that my tax dollars pay for? Do you have any idea how much firefighters and cops make? Seriously. I have SEVERAL in my family and went to medic school b/c I thought about taking that route as well. My point is they are all doing VERY well for themselves, and they absolutely should, but it doesn't mean I need to come out of my pocket with extras to make sure they do. That's what my taxes pay for. Wtf has this world become if your a liberal hippy for not contributing more than what's asked of you? If they aren't making ends meet then either generate more revenue (taxes and billing) or cut costs. It's called running a business.


Not to f'n mention that our local fire dept bills your insurance company for medic runs. Insurance that I pay a lot for. It looks like they're getting twice as much out of my pocket than some schlub who doesn't have insurance. Fucking minimum contributions. And you called him a piece of shit??


Hippie. :p


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