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I"m sorry but if you think we as a nation are involved in this shit because the almighty Gov't actually gives a shit about the other people, you've had way too much Company Kool Aid already. It's about the fucking power and money/oil control.


If we didn't need any of the oil from the middle east, we'd very likely sit back and let those retards fight all day long. Okay...perhaps we'd keep them from getting Nuke's but we wouldn't give a shit about the oil. Lots of our own companies and people are rich from oil and it's what makes the system go-round so don't BS me about giving a shit. I don't buy it.


We do care. We can't be everywhere at once. The world is a big place and we only have so many troops. So yes, if we can help straighten out the Middle East so Israel has a chance at normal, that's where we are.


As a bonus, if we can exploit the resources of the country for our benefit, that's life. You may not like those companies benefiting from the war, but you benefit from them and the war too. Technology advancements don't always come from the private sector.


The world is a bigger place than you apparently see. Industries have arisen from war and large companies have been formed and millions of Americans have jobs thanks to war, technology, and keeping our noses in other countries business. Otherwise, maybe the Muslims in Iraq and Iran would be controlling the oceans and walking down your street and telling you what time to be inside your house. Would you like that?

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We do care. We can't be everywhere at once. The world is a big place and we only have so many troops. So yes, if we can help straighten out the Middle East so Israel has a chance at normal, that's where we are.


As a bonus, if we can exploit the resources of the country for our benefit, that's life. You may not like those companies benefiting from the war, but you benefit from them and the war too. Technology advancements don't always come from the private sector.


The world is a bigger place than you apparently see. Industries have arisen from war and large companies have been formed and millions of Americans have jobs thanks to war, technology, and keeping our noses in other countries business. Otherwise, maybe the Muslims in Iraq and Iran would be controlling the oceans and walking down your street and telling you what time to be inside your house. Would you like that?


Two quick points I'd like to make, but first...


I see where you're going in your first paragraph and you do have a point, however:


1. The majority of the public does not see the "returns" equal to the "effort" of said corporations.


2. Really? Are you really using the same fear mongering already fed to the American public? Besides, some would say it was our "keeping our noses in other countries business" that raised the ire of many would be "terrorists" nations, factions, etc. Now, I don't believe it's possible to just sit back and pretend not to care; to never get involved. That's impossible and irresposible. Maybe, just maybe, we haven't been making all the right decisions or stepping over our boundaries.

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Dear Military People,


Just because you were over there, and feel sorry for these people, or feel we are doing "good" in that country, doesn't mean we should be there.




The US needs to mind its own business. Why do we need to be the country that does the majority of the military work in the world?


Iraq: yeah, they sure were attacking us.


I know it is just budgeting 101, but you can't spend more than you take in. And if the war costs more, then you shouldn't be there. We shouldn't be giving money to countries like Georgia. Again, NOT OUR PROBLEM.


But instead, the US Govt thinks it is wise to save all of these other countries, while ours goes into the shitter.

Agreed, we're not the world police. But, when our interests are at stake, and deplomacy fails, we use our muscle and push. Again, we didn't go to Iraq over the fact we felt sorry for the people. Granted, I didn't give 2 fucks about them. It was Saddam and his strong hold in the middle east. HE still had the most powerful force in the middle east. He DID have chemical/biological weapons, and I won't go into that further. Iraq is like a thorne we left in, eventually it'll get infected. It was time we did something about it after playing games for the past 15 years. Granted things SHOULD be done by now. The original plan never included Government rebuilding. The military was/has never been trained to rebuild a nation, nor should we.


The big reason WE (being the USA) does all the work, is for IF we do nothing, the world screams. Granted, we have intrests all over the world, and will protect all of our intrests. Because you might not see it on NBC at night, we have people all over protecting our assets and intrests. Our intrests is what keeps this country afloat, and the Biggest superpower. I think it is BULLSHIT we do all the work. Because we have the largest military shouldn't mean we need to use it 24/7.


As far as Georgia is concerned: Georgia, Ukraine and a few other former Soviet satelite countries, have been trying to get their NATO spot for sometime. As NATO stands for democracy and freedom, they tend to stand up for the NATO allies. It would behoove us to have these countries in NATO. Being so close to mother Russia, gives us an advantage. Russia and the US will stay enemies, even if we don't see us as enemies. We'll always keep the other eye open for one another. The cold war went away, but only in the visual way. Not to mention Georgia has been with us in Iraq, sending their soldiers to work with us. There's always more than meets the eye, and a lot of it the average person will never know for certain.

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Isolationism never worked for us in the past. If we truly want to be #1 in the world, we can't think like that, nor act that way. Like Robbie has said, WWII is a great example of this. But, I can agree 100% on not being the world's police. There's plenty of places that we have no business being. I don't see what the need for AFCOM (African Command for you civilians), but that's one shit sandwich we don't need to take a bite of. Now I believe it was in response to Somalia (something in which Mr.Clinton can die in hell for. That was a true fuck up on all levels.)



Conflicts are expensive, but at the same time, what's the price of your freedom? What's the price of your life? What's the price of your happiness? How much is your family worth? The money spent is going towards all these, so others can do business for you. Those doing their job overseas, grant all of us rights to do what we do, and live like we do. Just remember this: They can fight them there, or we can fight them here.

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