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Rolla and my NOVA

Guest 614Streets

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Guest 614Streets

Some background on the carwork on my end.

Hung tawian quarters , half skins when I was 18 years old using a panel flanger. Laid all metal over and got the quarters 75% and they had 12 years of time to shrink. Rockers were covered with whats known as a rocker cover, they are slightly oversized. I set the quarters on the car with steel doors , the glass doors I fabbed on 69 camaro hinges(they used bolts instead of wels back in 69) , went on way later.


Keep in mind the whole time I was stressing this is a drag car that touches the street , body work and panels did not need to be show quality at all!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I was talking with Rolla he don't want to have his reputation diminished by doing his work over mine so as to say if someone saw the car and said who did the work and I said rolla and it wasn't perfect that wasnt cool with rolla. If thats how you wanna do it then then ok I felt with Rolla , and I understood it , but goddam how many fucking steps back did you leave me!


Start here.




January 2008 I hired Rolla. The punchout list was as follows.

1. Get the quarter panels ready for PAINT.

2. Get the rockers ready.

3. Get the roof ready.

4. Finish the Fiberglass doors.

5. Hang 2 glass front fenders , ready them for paint.

6. Hang 2 fiberglass front bumpers , ready them for paint.


Hand shake agreement , we agreed to a price and his system of payment as follows. A fixed number for each step with half deposit first for each step and the other half once a step was completed , this was explained to me this way it would'nt cause a money issue if either he had an issue or did I have an issue. The timeline was possibly end of april into mid may.


The steps being:

600 for finishing rockers and quarters.

600 to finish the vfn doors.

200 a piece to do the vfn or us body source glass bumpers , I have 2 new sets.

200 to do the roof which he wanted to reskin (I wasn't sure it needed that and nobody who who knew the car I spoke to thought that that extreme repair was neeeded). Keep in mind this 200 was labor and would not include the cost of getting a skin.

200 a piece to hang the vfn glass front fenders , my additonal cost , would have been hardware, dzus or bolts.



He got the car from me January 13th. See here http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=46158&highlight=rolla


Only thing that had me cautious in doing homework on who to go to was this.




This post shares very common problems I encountered as I will explain.



After January 13th not long off something I wasn't aware is the shop I took the car to off of westerville road , was no longer his shop as he got a new shop near 270 and james.

See here. Feb 11th.




Not following up too closely the next time I did check up with Rolla I might need to check phone records to nail it down , but , the next time I saw the car thinking from memory was late march to early april. When I went in and checked up , hadn't done much to the car. He told me your not going to like it but it needs to be done , refering to taking all the mud work out so he can start new, and he liked the duraglass stuff anyways. Ok his end so be it.


At that point he wanted to get down to see where he wanted to go with the car. He can insert what he saw and what he thought. What road he wanted to take it etc.





In may I got my first taste of no communication. I was getting a concerned at this point.






Now check this out.



After pming Anthony and making a post in Erics thread , finally it got around to rolla I was bitchen he wasnt calling me back. I know this cause Rolla the next time I saw you you was a little fired up about word hitting the "grapvine".



Listen to me now talking to you. A columbus racing first. The rest right here turn your speaker up gearhead.









Car is in Orient Ohio with CARRS CUSTOM FINISHES. We will see.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Will. Obviously our communication broke down somewhere.


From my perspective, it looks as if you started this thread to justify not paying for work I completed. You never mentioned that you told me over a month ago that you would pay for the work that was completed. I haven't been paid yet. Maybe I'm still "avoiding your phone calls?"


Just to set the record straight, I was NEVER told to stop working on the car. I WAS told that Will would pick the car up soon. When I started work on the car, I was judging the car by the way it sat. Some of the work that needed done hinged on others being completed, and I could not possibly go in the order we agreed on. Rather than call Will and wait on a return call I performed some of the work we had agreed to do beforehand, since we DID have an agreement that it all needed done anyway. Maybe MY biggest mistake was trusting Will to pay for the work anyway.


As far as the timeline is concerned, you never mentioned that YOU were the one holding up the majority of the work on the car due to the fact that I had to wait for you to straighten out the parts car before I could even get started. How far back did that put us at that point? THAT is why I told you that NO WORK had been done when you called. I could have started WAY before that if you didn't need random bullshit out of that car, but I waited on YOU for that.


I don't even have time to go into how much work I actually put into the car, due to the shoddy work that was laid down before I touched it. Spray foam and aluminum roof flashing have NO purpose in a drag car, or ANY car for that matter, especially to reinforce poor bondo work. I never cut the roof off the car or did anything to the structure, I ONLY touched the skins. It took me longer than expected to perform any of the work, and I think that we need to share the blame for the incorrect timeline.


The fact is, I did perform the work we agreed to, and I performed it well. I could not hold up my COMPLETE end of the bargain since you picked up the car. YOU know what the prices were for the work we agreed to, you even posted them in this thread. You never told me to stop working on the car, so I never did. You have yet to pay for the work I did, at the price you agreed to, even though you told me I would be paid within a month of you picking up the car. Also, any body shop you take that car to will refuse to do work over someone elses, so OF COURSE they will tell you the car needs reskinned. They want that $3500 that they know you have. If you left the car with me, the work would have been done better, and at a lower price.


When I get a chance I will post pictures of the progress of the work I did, and you will see how much you got for your $300 (or $800 if you ever pay me).

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Well, here's what I'm gonna do in the best interests of the public eye and to stop the pissing matches.


I'm going to delete everyone's posts except for Will's initial one and Rolla's response. People can make their own minds up from there and this is now locked.

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