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Sigh, ohioians and our ignorance (i'm sure I could find demo videos too)


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You are saying your environment controls you and I am saying the opposite. You control your environment. These concepts are not the same thing.


You are who you are because of your EXPERIENCES in life NOT your ENVIRONMENT. You choose to be a Shepard or the sheep. It's your choice.


What is your definition of environment? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment


The natural environment, commonly referred to simply as the environment, is a terminology that is comprised of all living and non-living things that occur naturally on Earth or some region thereof.


The social environment (context), also known as the milieu, is the identical or similar social positions and social roles as a whole that influence the individuals of a group. The social environment of an individual is the culture that he or she was educated and/or lives in, and the people and institutions with whom the person interacts. A given social environment is likely to create a feeling of solidarity amongst its members, who are more likely to keep together, trust and help one another. Members of the same social environment will often think in similar styles and patterns even when their conclusions differ.

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I'm going to edjumacate you a bit. Some will read my post and understand what my meaning was. Just becasue someone types something and it makes sense to them, does not mean everyone else will get it. That's pretty selfish to even assume so either you don't know this or are just selfish. I assume you are just naturally contradictory which is why you can't see that. If you don't agree, think about where I am coming from before you just assume you are right and I am wrong. There is always a reason for conflict. Sometimes it's me, sometimes it's you, but it is always us.


Triple, FTW!

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It's not at all like that.

"I'd like you to vote for this guy" is not that same a "Hey harlem, I want yall dead and yer seed wiped from the earth!"



Disagree. It's not like we have two similar ideologies running in this election. The candidates are closer than the ideologies they represent.


Tensions are running very high right now. The guy deserved what he got. He was there to antagonize that's all. He knew he wasnt going to change any minds.


For me, its a vote to slow a socialist agenda.


Repubs and Dems are both responisible for a move toward more govt control. At least there seem to be more in the GOP opposing it.

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The real stupid people are those that dont think racism exist from every ethnic background. If Obama wins honestly its only going to get worse like it or not. I dont think McCains the answer and I dont think Obama is either, thats why this year im voting for....oh wait i'm not voting!
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Interesting argument but I don't know if you want to use the term "racist" so much as stereotyping. EVERYONE does stereotype to a certain degree with regards things period. We're human. No one is perfect and a lot of where conflict comes in is where one person differs from another. That being said, people try to surround themselves with the familiar (well at least ohioians do) and by doing so make stark differences between the "us" and "them". By creating that line, we start that stereotyping process. Varying degrees of stereotypes lead to racism and everything else that follows, but the better person knows when to take that stereotype they COULD use and ignore it as best they can and just take the person as the individual they are.


That at least is where I see product vs environment coming into play and ways to get around/rid of it.

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He also has connections with a known terrorist---again no questioning it.

No questioning it. Apparently the two were in the same room at times, and Obama didn't pull out a gun and shoot him. They may have even discussed issues relevant to the purpose of the foundations whose boards they sat on. IIRC, neither foundation was specifically dedicated to the eradication af the American people, and there seemed to be a distinct lack of bomb-making material handy.









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