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Reasons I Vote How I Vote

Guest Hal

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I would probably just go kill myself if I were a 33 year old retard arguing with a 21 year old who is worlds above me.


Please, keep going. I'm all tears over here!


Seriously, try to best me, I sincerely doubt you can come up with an intelligent thought.


First, you have to have an original thought. Then I would "best" it.

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First, you have to have an original thought. Then I would "best" it.

Let's see, I have posted plenty of original thoughts. You can't even figure out how to put up an accurate representation of what an argument might be. You (like most people of sub-average intelligence) just resort immediately to name calling or trying to belittle someone. At least I can combine a rational argument with belittling someone.

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Let's see, I have posted plenty of original thoughts. You can't even figure out how to put up an accurate representation of what an argument might be. You (like most people of sub-average intelligence) just resort immediately to name calling or trying to belittle someone. At least I can combine a rational argument with belittling someone.


I like your research methods and trickery, but you're still a mommas boy.

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I like your research methods and trickery, but you're still a mommas boy.

Nope, if anything, I am just an ass. I am actually quite far from anyone's boy, as much as that might annoy my fiancee.

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I'm touching my penis. I don't what else to do in this thread. I hope you all feel dirty. Should this thread be in the kitchen since politics seem hardly involved?


And are unicorns "horny"?

I've been typing one handed this entire time.


Is this like a knock-knock joke? I really hope so!

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I'm touching my penis. I don't what else to do in this thread. I hope you all feel dirty. Should this thread be in the kitchen since politics seem hardly involved?


And are unicorns "horny"?

This was the best part of the entire thread! LMAO!

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This is how I look at it, I have two douche bags to pick from. Voting for anyone else is a waste of my time.


I don't agree with douche 1, I don't agree with douche 2, what's the point in wasting a day to go stand around in a line to vote?


There isn't one.

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Remember how you were talking about shit that sounds good in theory?

That's not theory.


IMO it applies not only to voting but, also not voting. If you are not voting, following what you believe, then who am I to say anything?

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I side more to McCain, but I'm still not voting. Either way the country will stay fucked.


I'll quote my hero, Carlin for this subject,

"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope.'"
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Ok, Hal votes how Hal votes. All of us are different about how and why we vote... and in my case NOT vote. I dont vote because voting is choice. Within that choice lies another choice; who do you vote for? While yourselves and the world argue about the choice within the choice, im stuck on the first. Why should i vote to begin with? Its not like it matters. Its an indicator. The person who wins the popular vote "usually" wins. I think its happend maybe twice where that didnt happen. But seriously... who cares about parties anyway? I dont want animals to dictate the rules of my life style... and colors (as in visible light) are out of the question. What if I dont like anyone running? Why should I vote for the lesser of 2, or 3, or 10 evils? Nice thing is, I dont.

I personally, am convinced that the world is going to hell in a hand basket. It will never be like it was when we were kids, and the last person to ever be right about anything, or take initiative on anything worth taking initiative on, was President Carter.

The energy debate hasnt been a debate for almost 3 decades... its more of a bed time story now... its the same shit. Just like Carter set up the plan and process to start the energy conservation program, C.A.R.B. passed a state law FORCING clean power, ZERO emmisions. Then guess what, our awesome government helped to abolish it. This was 12 years ago. Forget the 30yr head start Carter had set up... imagin what we could have done in 12yrs... but no... instead, we focused our attention on sex scandels, Superbowl TV ads, cell phones, SUV's, and smart bombs...deffinatly the more productive choice.

Further more, im convinced that neither of these two clowns running for president are going to do much of anything for at LEAST the first year. The only thing we have going for us now, is the constitution... and even that is begining to be twisted. I dont know about you alll but I can feel a new Civil war coming on.


Now that ive got that out, im going to exercise my right to shut the fuck up.

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I'm gay and won't come back to Ohio 'cause I'm totally losing weight up here. I think some of the weight loss can be attributed to my lack of delicious pizzas.


It's ok, we still like you.

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