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Presidental CR Voting Poll, No undecided please.


If the election was now and you were voting right now, who would you choose?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. If the election was now and you were voting right now, who would you choose?

    • Obama
    • McCain
    • Other

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What, no Stephen Colbert?


Edit - What gives, I keep clicking on Obama and it switches me to Mccain. Rigged!!!!

That's how the GOP helps us "enterpret the will of the people". They did us a favor in 2004 by supressing the Kerry vote, and the country is in top-notch shape because of it. ;)

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That's how the GOP helps us "enterpret the will of the people". They did us a favor in 2004 by supressing the Kerry vote, and the country is in top-notch shape because of it. ;)


You are one crazy old man. :(


Wheres the bi-partisan Eric of the days of old...

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