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ZO6 and a Ford GT


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This morning on our way to a jobsite me and this guy i work with stop at a red light next to a ZO6 burnt orange, nice car, middle aged man driving it. So I told him to pt the truck in neutral and pipe it at him. We take off from the light. Hold the petal to the wood in the truck and this guy is just slowy accelerating but we were side by side....got a little bit of a laugh out of it the the guy drops a gear and takes off giving us that F-you look shaking his head it was great. Went to Ricart Ford today to fix a door and there was a Ford GT with the engine cover open. NICE!!! Why did all this happen today because my camera phone took a dump last night. So Tomorrow I will post pics of the biggest POS I can find.
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This morning on our way to a jobsite me and this guy i work with stop at a red light next to a ZO6 burnt orange, nice car, middle aged man driving it. So I told him to pt the truck in neutral and pipe it at him. We take off from the light. Hold the petal to the wood in the truck and this guy is just slowy accelerating but we were side by side....got a little bit of a laugh out of it the the guy drops a gear and takes off giving us that F-you look shaking his head it was great. Went to Ricart Ford today to fix a door and there was a Ford GT with the engine cover open. NICE!!! Why did all this happen today because my camera phone took a dump last night. So Tomorrow I will post pics of the biggest POS I can find.


I am picking up what you are putting down... ignore the others with their numerous "poetic" posts.

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Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days
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This morning on our way to a jobsite me and this guy i work with stop at a red light next to a ZO6 burnt orange, nice car, middle aged man driving it. So I told him to pt the truck in neutral and pipe it at him. We take off from the light. Hold the petal to the wood in the truck and this guy is just slowy accelerating but we were side by side....got a little bit of a laugh out of it the the guy drops a gear and takes off giving us that F-you look shaking his head it was great. Went to Ricart Ford today to fix a door and there was a Ford GT with the engine cover open. NICE!!! Why did all this happen today because my camera phone took a dump last night. So Tomorrow I will post pics of the biggest POS I can find.



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I took this thread to Spice with me last night and showed it to three girls; two of the three later decided to have sex with me, and the third one had sex with my laptop.




Yes, and then they sold Spice and decided to turn into a 4star restraunt.... Incase you didn't know.

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