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I Hate

Chad is Dead

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Oh and I hate when people call you to come give them a price on something way the fuck on the other side of town and they know they dont have the money to do it anyways yet they still call you to come give them an estimate and you waste 50$ in gas goin there to waste your time for someone who isnt goin to do a damn thing. If you dont have the money for a job, dont call people to get quotes on it.
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Cookie? Who uses a cookie? It's a biscuit. You must hang out with a bunch of gays.

The guy who makes the biscuits was sicks so, we used what we had. That leads me to another thing I hate.


I hate when the guy who makes the biscuits for the circle jerk isn't there and you have to use cookies.

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Almost lunch time - I hate Easton. Bunch of retarded cunts that can't drive. I need a missile launcher on my truck.



Want me to call in a bomb threat to easton to clear the way for you. What are you looking to eat so I can call the specific place and have everyone evacuated from the place to put you 1st in line when they find out it was a joke call.

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