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ebay store.

kawi kid

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Shes got one or is one? A sperm bank that is.

dunno haven't talked to her in 6 years.... last I heard she was living alone with a bunch of cats, 1 dog, and a freaking hedgehog... (she was wierd, don't really know why I married her...)

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What's the difference between listing everything auction style and having an ebay store? Are the listing and selling fees cheaper? what's the advantage over auction style? I have sold a bunch of random things over the years and always worked out pretty well for me.

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I figure its easier to just list what you have auction style that way you can set your lowest price you want, and if you get lucky, it will get bid up higher than your minimuim and you made more money than expected. Plus its easier, and they way I look at it, you dont have to report earnings for taxes like you might have to if you have an ebay store

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Before you get all excited, understand a few things... Companies that have legit ebay stores will make good money. However, listing fees, selling fees, PayPal fees, shipping costs, labor to run that division of the shop, money spent on a website that directs people there, etc. are HUGE money costs.

Most shops realize quickly that they spend a LOT compared to what they make. You can sell crap all day long an "make money", but in reality, it isn't going to be something you can live off... If it is, you'll have to be selling PILES of stuff each day to do so. Even then, the mragins will be tight...

I'd focus on Craigslist before I would consider an Ebay store. Ebay is getting to the point it is getting harder and harder to find great deals. Plus, with companies mandating price protection on new products, people pay the same amount for the same product and it is listed 100 times...

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8-10 hours of the day im strapped to a machine that constantly pumps my ass so i cant even do that dude. im prob gonna have to wait till im mobile again

dude you are in traction huh???:lol:seriously tho, you couldn't make arrangements for after your ass pumping? LOL just kidding dude.... are you in a bunch of pain??

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when i left the hospital yesterday i was in hell but i got back to home and my dad pick up my drugs for me and they help alittle but it still hurst like hell.

but keep in ming i got some sweet new holes drilled into my leg so its kinda understandable my it hurts :lol:

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