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Reading comprehension

Science Abuse

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I've mentioned this in posts, but it seems it's everywhere in politics: People don't read what they refer to.


Here is the latest example:


Now comes the story of Mary T. Biskup, of Manchester, Missouri. Biskup got a call recently from the Obama campaign, which was trying to figure out why she donated $174,800 to the campaign -- well over the contribution limit of $2,300.


The answer she gave them was simple. "That's an error."


Is the Obama campaign knowingly receiving illegal contributions?

What a stupid question, did you not just say that the campaign investigated the donation?


On a broader scale, is everyone receiving illgal donations? Yes! All the time. Is anyone accepting them? Obviously not, because that shit is monitored by very bored people.


In this case, the blogger is inventing a story out of nothing. He pecied together some stories of credit card fraud and data entry errors, and invented the story that "OMG Obama is taking illegal money!" His "theory" is all over the bloggo'sphere like a rash.


So, to have some fun with this: Post up your favorites. We're reading this stuff all the time, post up you favorite mountain-to-mole hill stories from bloggers and columnists.

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