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Jesus christ I can't even pay a speeding ticket without a hassel.


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I got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago on a business parkway 800ft away from work (according to Google maps :D ). There is no freakin' speed limit sign, so with it being a three lane wide I assumed it is a 35mph zone... wrong bitch.


So I get swooped for doing 41. No biggie, I mail the ticket in and think I'm good. Wrong again bitch.


The douche officer circled that I owe $130 on the ticket, so that's what I paid by mail. You can no longer pay online, or by phone, so that was the only choice (other than taking time off work to go downtown to stand with all those very, very classy people). I mailed the shit weeks ago, yesterday I get a notice saying I haven't paid. There is no phone number on said notice, but it does say I owe $165 instead of $130. I check public access online, sure enough, also says $165.


What sucks is the only paper that said the amount I had to pay was the one I mailed in. Awesome. So now I get to call these douche rockets at lunch and see what the deal is.


Cliffs: CPD fucks Kenny, yet again.

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"Press 4 to pay your ticket"


Then after all the shit is overwith... "Phone payment is not an option"




15 fucking calls in front of me... it's 9am. Jesus christ. Hire more worthless fucks to deal with your failure of a system.

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  sciongirl said:
that sounds pretty awful.. nothing like trying to do the right thing and they still shaft you.


Just rack this up as another on the long list of reasons why I think police are 150% useless. They're seriously the equivalent of a tax collector with a gun.

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  kenny said:
I don't even think that is an option anymore. I could be wrong, but had I known you could do that I probably would have done that. Jesus.


Yes it is, I just paid one last week also. :)


This link:



is on this page kinda hidden at the bottom depending on your PC's resolution settings (scroll down a little):


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  kenny said:
Damnit, wish I would have seen that before mailing the shit.


Still though, I probably would have got the same notice since our local police officers can't pass a 3rd grade math class.


I PMed you, I couldn't agree more about the math. :) If any officers know Officer Brian Wilson of CPD, please let him know that 130+25=155 not 165. Feel free to make fun of him. I can scan in what he wrote if you like. :) DEV030(General Math) at CSCC would be a great class for him, he would fit right in.

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Don't get me started on how many tickets I've had with incorrect information filled out.


A few off the top of my head: incorrect date, incorrect car, incorrect license plate.


This officers name is Dirk Russell, feel free to call him a worthless cock sucker for running radar on a fucking business parkway.

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That shit pisses me off too. They want to charge you out the ass, then they don't even make it easy to pay so that they can charge you late fees. You better get it fixed soon though, I waited to fix the same shit on my last ticket and they suspended my DL. $120 ticket + $30.00 late free, + $60.00 Court cost + $25.00 license renewal= $235.00 worth of Bullshit!!!! And don't give me that "well you should speed". No kidding, but there’s no reason they need to make you jump through hoops to get the shit fixed either. Oh' not to mention, they don't help you get it fixed in any efficient manner, they just assume everyone is a god damn expert on paying speeding tickets and know the best way to avoid all the fees and shit.... :mad:



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Oh and I'm sorry but I really think the police dept is worthless...I take that back, not completely worthless but very very close. I'm not some rebel that's been arrested multiple times or gets tickets every month but when was the last time you called the cops and got help!? Seriously, I've called them before for domestic violence on my neighbor but they come about 45 minutes AFTRER the shit was over with. Someone stole from you, oh, too bad they'll look into it but good luck with that. I've never felt safer with police around, But sure as shit if you’re going 33 in a 25 at 4:30 am and they catch you, your ass in paying the price. I personally don’t fell that they do much “serving and protecting”. I think they’re just a business looking to make a buck on the people.
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  kenny said:
I got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago on a business parkway 800ft away from work (according to Google maps :D ). There is no freakin' speed limit sign, so with it being a three lane wide I assumed it is a 35mph zone... wrong bitch.


So I get swooped for doing 41. No biggie, I mail the ticket in and think I'm good. Wrong again bitch.


The douche officer circled that I owe $130 on the ticket, so that's what I paid by mail. You can no longer pay online, or by phone, so that was the only choice (other than taking time off work to go downtown to stand with all those very, very classy people). I mailed the shit weeks ago, yesterday I get a notice saying I haven't paid. There is no phone number on said notice, but it does say I owe $165 instead of $130. I check public access online, sure enough, also says $165.


What sucks is the only paper that said the amount I had to pay was the one I mailed in. Awesome. So now I get to call these douche rockets at lunch and see what the deal is.


Cliffs: CPD fucks Kenny, yet again.


Iwonder if you coul FOIA a copy of the ticket. He would have had to turned a copy in after citing you. It may get your fine dropped to $130 or even nullified since it was incorrect?

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  SpaceGhost said:
You should have 30 days to pay.


You can go to court and request more time to pay.. but then they get you by racking up court fees on top that too :o


Oh.. 33 in a 25 is weaksauce who the hell would write that :confused:


I just got a subpoena in the mail for a lady that ran a redlight.. she had 3 priors within 2008 already.. she said "I dont think I ran that at all." Me "Yes maam, I have you on camera running it as well." I should have wrote her for the speed and turn signal too :mad: See what I get for trying to cut people a break, nothing :rolleyes:

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Hey John, Quick what's 130+25? :D


Just checking. :p


John can you tell me why 270 between Westerville and 161 is still 55? My guess is so the Columbus HYW Patrol can write easy tickets and double them even though the construction has been done there for more than a month. Not an orange barrel in sight. Shady shit the Columbus HWY Patrol does.

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  dragknee66 said:
You can go to court and request more time to pay.. but then they get you by racking up court fees on top that too :o


Oh.. 33 in a 25 is weaksauce who the hell would write that :confused:


I just got a subpoena in the mail for a lady that ran a redlight.. she had 3 priors within 2008 already.. she said "I dont think I ran that at all." Me "Yes maam, I have you on camera running it as well." I should have wrote her for the speed and turn signal too :mad: See what I get for trying to cut people a break, nothing :rolleyes:


41 in a 25, still weaksauce. I'll PM you the road and you can look for yourself if you're that interested. It's a 3 lane business parkway, I could see if children were involved but seriously, no one drives on this road except grown ass individuals.

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  super_gtp said:
Oh and I'm sorry but I really think the police dept is worthless...I take that back, not completely worthless but very very close.


Don't be sorry, it's fact.


They're only good at taking money from normal citizens for bullshit offenses. That's it. Tax collectors with guns.


Here, from another thread that I just posted yesterday, and this leaves out all my traffic "violations" in which I've never been in a crash (other than wrecking my bike with no one around but that was 100% my fault and no one was hurt so eat my ass with a spoon).


Ways CPD is 100% worthless,


17: El Camino stolen from me. Was jacked from a body shop where there is no way anyone would be able to see the car from the road. The car was left outside for ONE day and just so happened to disappear that day. No attempt even made to look into it.


18: My friend Clint was shot and killed. Three or four years later the guy that did it was actually charged. He got a REALLY short term WITH a possibility of parole. Awesome.


19: T-Type stolen in broad daylight. Four years later I find the car, no thanks to CPD. The shit is sitting at the fucking impound where their autosquad supposedly checked the car out. Within five minutes I've figured out more than they did in the year it was sitting there. The car came into the impound with a motor, transmission and rear axle - by the time I found it those had all been removed.


20: A month before I turn 21, picked up for underage drinking on campus. Between the three of us they busted we had consumed 1.5 beers, we each drank about half of the beer we had on us. We were WALKING. Way to keep thugs off the street, badasses.


25: Two or three days after I turn 25 and my insurance rates drop, I get a speeding ticket for doing 41mph in what I thought was a 35mph zone. Its a fucking business parkway, the shit isn't marked from my work (where I was leaving) to where I was pulled over (maybe a 1/2 mile at MOST). What am I going to hit, a goose? Do something better with my tax dollars, you worthless cunts.


... and that's leaving some shit out. Seriously, fucking worthless.



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I won't even go into the one where I was clocked 72 in a 65, with a truck PASSING me and I was pulled over, then when I called him on it he instantly changed it to 82. Since I had like 3 or 4 on my record at the point the judge didn't want to hear it and I got to pay. Worthless, yet again.
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