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Jesus christ I can't even pay a speeding ticket without a hassel.


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On a positive note though - I just had a meeting where City BBQ was provided and I only have another 2hrs until my next meeting, which after it's over, I get to go home.


... and I'll probably be pulled over on the way home for not using a turn signal or something else equally awesome that results in my shit getting impounded due to someones lack of basic math skillz.

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Yeah, the 7 days to pay a ticket is crap and if you go to court it's in the middle of a week day so you have to take time off of work to go get a payment extension which is time and money from you going there for something that you’re going to have to pay on regardless. I just think the way the system is set up isn’t to really help people or try and improve safety. But because we broke the law by speeding, we’re just as bad as any other “criminal” with no rights. But wait, you have rights you can fight it right…SURE if you want to pay the crap load of money for an attorney and waist your original time at court, then have to go back again later and waist more time maybe win, then pay court fees and the lawyer and your still worse off then you would have been if you had just paid the ticket, so it’s a designed flaw to make profit, not to help like it should be. We get taxed on income and everything we buy, why do we have to keep paying for a service that doesn’t keep us in mind


And yes 33 in freaking 25 AT 4:30am. The reason.. “people jog around here and you could hit someone” mid you this was on Avery Rd in Dublin which is 2 lanes each way at 4:30 in the morning…. Come on, tell that was a real safety issue.

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Mail them anthrax :cool:




Oh hey Scott! I saw what you did there, encouraging anthrax shennanigans! Listen, pal, let's just play it cool for a while. Take it from me, a guy with great hair, that chicks really dig guys in tuxedos that drive cars that can fly. So, what do you say, buddy - ready for a spin?!?

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