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Winter daylight savings blows


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Yeah, this is ridiculous. I'm so glad Bush is "The Decider". :rolleyes: I think having it get dark this early actually causes more energy usage. I haven't read anything concerning it, but what the fuck is the reasoning for moving daylight savings time?
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Yeah, this is ridiculous. I'm so glad Bush is "The Decider". :rolleyes: I think having it get dark this early actually causes more energy usage. I haven't read anything concerning it, but what the fuck is the reasoning for moving daylight savings time?


Please tell me I missed the sarcasm...


To use less energy at night, to make people go out longer and spend money, to make Americans more active, and reduce crime. The fact that daylight is short now is not the government's fault, it's mother Nature's because of geographical location. Move closer to the equator. We have more darkness than daylight this time of year. LOL at trying to blame Bush for early darkness, it's the only "awesome" thing he did in office that I can think of. He extended the daylight later by a month then before. Day light savings starts 3 weeks earlier, and ends 1 week later. He actually did the opposite of what you posted. You just had an extra week of longer daylight because of Bush.....


Unless I missed where the U.S. has effected the tilt of the Axis of the earth......

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I think the biggest problem with it is the fact that the world doesnt operate like it used to. Before having light early in he morning meant people woke up and didnt have any need to turn on lights, etc. In this day and age much more of our work force works later in the day. This means that moving the time back to allow more light in the morning isnt going to be as productive as it used to be. The energy savings you get from people getting up at 7am is being dilutted by the growing number of people that dont go to bed until 2am.
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Yeah, this is ridiculous. I'm so glad Bush is "The Decider". :rolleyes: I think having it get dark this early actually causes more energy usage. I haven't read anything concerning it, but what the fuck is the reasoning for moving daylight savings time?

The length of day is static, we can't control it, so we either burn the xtra energy in the morning or the evening.

I'd rather burn it in the morning, and have it not-be-fucking-dark when I get home from work. I aint got shit else to do in the morning but work, I want light when I come home.

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Yeah, this is ridiculous. I'm so glad Bush is "The Decider". :rolleyes: I think having it get dark this early actually causes more energy usage. I haven't read anything concerning it, but what the fuck is the reasoning for moving daylight savings time?


Please tell me you aren't really this dense?

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Please tell me I missed the sarcasm...


To use less energy at night, to make people go out longer and spend money, to make Americans more active, and reduce crime. The fact that daylight is short now is not the government's fault, it's mother Nature's because of geographical location. Move closer to the equator. We have more darkness than daylight this time of year. LOL at trying to blame Bush for early darkness, it's the only "awesome" thing he did in office that I can think of. He extended the daylight later by a month then before. Day light savings starts 3 weeks earlier, and ends 1 week later. He actually did the opposite of what you posted. You just had an extra week of longer daylight because of Bush.....


Unless I missed where the U.S. has effected the tilt of the Axis of the earth......

Yes, you may've missed some of it. ;) The part you didn't miss and the part I'm not understaning is using less energy at night. It's night. People come home and it's already dark. So, they use more lights. It's not much and some will be offset in the morning. It wasn't a real strong point to begin with. I know. :D

And honestly, I'm one of those who prefer the dark. I'd live in a cave if I could. I'm also an "up at night' person. Soooo... still mad at him. lol

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