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Just found out I'm gonna be a dad


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congrats. just be glad its only one heartbeat and not 2, or 3. there's never a "good" time to have a kid. you're never completely 'prepared'. life changes in ways you just can't prepare for---and you'll realize it changes for the better. priorities also change. just be supportive of your other half, and enjoy your last 7.5 months of 'low responsibility' living.


my wife is about 8 weeks along with our 3rd. we have 14 month old twin girls.


good luck, and congrats.

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It's the best feeling in the world to be a daddy. You can see them grow and learn right in front of you it's amazing. Time will go by so much faster now, by the time you notice your kid will be 1 1/2 years old. Tell people to buy you stuff for later down the road, b/c most people will only by things for newborns and then you have multiple outfits that the kid hasn't even worn by the time they've outgrown it.


I'd probably have some pretty nice stuff that I'd let go for a lot cheaper than what I paid for it new(crib, matching changing table, entire crib set w/ matching curtains). I think it's about time that my son got his first toddler bed anyhow. I also have a lot of 3-12 month clothing for a boy.

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First off, listen to your doctor, no booze and no fish.


Second, she needs attention. No no no, if you think unpreggers chicks like attention, you aint seen nothing. Pregnancy can make your woman an emotional wreck. I once took flack for building balsa modle planes instead of sitting on the couch watching TV with mah woman. I was only 6ft away, but she still felt ignored....pretty much because she was being ignored. :lol: I couldn't go out, so I made shit.

She needs you both before and after the birth, there's more to being a daddy than the kid.

Kids are easy, just balance love with extortion* and you can't go wrong. ;)


*"Be good or bad things will happen to you."

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