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Fuck Rock Band 2!


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So my son and I were doing the 84 song set list on Rock Band 2 last night. We started at 6:30 and go up to song 65 or so. We got to this song about 1:30 am. Ace of Spades by motorhead comes up. I'm playing the drums and my son is on the guitar.


Mind you were both playing on "hard". I can do most songs on Expert except the really difficult ones (the impossible ones).


We fucked around with this song for 2 straight hours and I just couldn't figure out the drumming and off beat of the bass :(.


There is no saving. Straight 84 games you have to play. Of course you could pause the game but damn, to waste all that time playing that game and fail sucks ass. We'll have to start it over another day.

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damn dude, that sucks. thats kind of like playing guitar hero for playstation without a memory card... i did that once. i wish my dad played video games =(


yeah that would definately suck.


I play guitar normally. I can't play the fake guitar for shit (not the same).


I've NEVER played the drums before in my life. The drum set I to me is a lot more realistic than the guitar with 5 buttons to push. On the drums you actually need to have a beat going. I started off when we got it in September on Medium and sucked hard core. With a lot of playing and learning the songs and how it worked it's not bad now.


The bass pedal broke 2 weeks after we got the set. Cheap ass plastic pedal. I used duct tape and it held together until yesterday. it broke right in half. I found some thin steel i had lying around in the garage and spent a few hours fixing that. It's bad ass now. It feels so much better and tighter.


Oh well. In a little bit we're going to go through all the impossible songs and get them down before we tackle the 84 song set list again.

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