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How long till Cr becomes


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Hey guys, not sure if you heard the news, but Pluto isn't a planet anymore. No, it's not like it blew up or anything - THAT WOULD BE CRAZY! - it's just that NASA or somebody important said it was actually too small to be considered a planet. Bummer, I know. I remember making some planets out of paper mache when I was in the third grade. I got a C on it. Mrs. Henderson was a jerk. Anyway, I guess it's a moon or something now. Or a quasar. FYI.



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Hey guys, not sure if you heard the news, but Pluto isn't a planet anymore. No, it's not like it blew up or anything - THAT WOULD BE CRAZY! - it's just that NASA or somebody important said it was actually too small to be considered a planet. Bummer, I know. I remember making some planets out of paper mache when I was in the third grade. I got a C on it. Mrs. Henderson was a jerk. Anyway, I guess it's a moon or something now. Or a quasar. FYI.






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There may be alot of members on here but its always the same SMALL handful of guys that actually go out every weekend. Most of the guys on here are just that, they are guys ON HERE. They dont go out and socialize or anything like that. I was out last season every week and I only met a few of the people on here.
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I remember getting horribly walked by Jeff's brother's DSM 4 days after I got my Z28. Sam did justice in the C5 atleast :cool: I miss shooting the shit in the Hooter's Garage and the morning retardation over at S&S. I think it's moved from what it was because we have so many members now.



I remember racing Mike time after time after time. Always the same result, He would 60' the shit out of me and I would alway have to play catch up. Shit those were the fucking fun times.

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