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The 9/11 Presidency


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Not really... easily a conservative bias. And the whole "We haven't had a terrorist attack on US soil argument" is specious.

I can say the mayor of Elyria has taken a strong stance against bear maulings in the recent years since there hasn't been a bear mauling in Elyria since he took office.

Where there's a will, there's a way - so if terrorists really wanted to attack, they'd be able to make it happen. The funny / ironic thing is I could see this scenario playing out:

Obama takes office

Terrorists attack on US soil during his term (probably within the first 2 years)

Neo-cons blame Obama for unfounded and shallow reasons

Democrats get the unwarranted "I told you so" speech from the Neo-cons

Everyone wants the country to be lock-down even more

Economy continues to suck

Neo-Con elected in 2012 (God help us all if it's Palin)

Police-state as we continue to be isolationists - both by policy and because everyone in the world hates us and thinks we're idiots

Continued downhill slide until something gives... something always gives

And somehow it'll all come back on Obama... not Bush, and everyone will remember how "the black guy" ruined the country. :nono:

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Not really... easily a conservative bias. And the whole "We haven't had a terrorist attack on US soil argument" is specious.

I can say the mayor of Elyria has taken a strong stance against bear maulings in the recent years since there hasn't been a bear mauling in Elyria since he took office.

Where there's a will, there's a way - so if terrorists really wanted to attack, they'd be able to make it happen. The funny / ironic thing is I could see this scenario playing out:

Obama takes office

Terrorists attack on US soil during his term (probably within the first 2 years)

Neo-cons blame Obama for unfounded and shallow reasons

Democrats get the unwarranted "I told you so" speech from the Neo-cons

Everyone wants the country to be lock-down even more

Economy continues to suck

Neo-Con elected in 2012 (God help us all if it's Palin)

Police-state as we continue to be isolationists - both by policy and because everyone in the world hates us and thinks we're idiots

Continued downhill slide until something gives... something always gives

And somehow it'll all come back on Obama... not Bush, and everyone will remember how "the black guy" ruined the country. :nono:

Wow. :nono:

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Not really... easily a conservative bias. And the whole "We haven't had a terrorist attack on US soil argument" is specious.

I can say the mayor of Elyria has taken a strong stance against bear maulings in the recent years since there hasn't been a bear mauling in Elyria since he took office.

Where there's a will, there's a way - so if terrorists really wanted to attack, they'd be able to make it happen. The funny / ironic thing is I could see this scenario playing out:

Obama takes office

Terrorists attack on US soil during his term (probably within the first 2 years)

Neo-cons blame Obama for unfounded and shallow reasons

Democrats get the unwarranted "I told you so" speech from the Neo-cons

Everyone wants the country to be lock-down even more

Economy continues to suck

Neo-Con elected in 2012 (God help us all if it's Palin)

Police-state as we continue to be isolationists - both by policy and because everyone in the world hates us and thinks we're idiots

Continued downhill slide until something gives... something always gives

And somehow it'll all come back on Obama... not Bush, and everyone will remember how "the black guy" ruined the country. :nono:

Rather pessimistic don't you think? Why are you so negative? Come on the big O is all about change right?

Maybe he will change all these policies you seem to dislike so much. He has every opportunity to do this. Considering he has the House and Senate majority to do so.

I wouldn't bank on a change for the better. But that's me! I can say I don't want things to get worse. But then I also believe we are fighting the inevitable. History repeats itself! This type of conflict has been going on since I can remember and all the history books I have read. So I see it as all we can do is defend ourselves. Witch is what we have been doing for many years. Even before Bush! Part of defending ourselves is defending those that are like minded on democracy. Unless you would think it is better to allow our allies to be slaughtered and just stand by and watch. So in the end all those that will stand and defend with us are dead and gone and we are standing alone. Maybe you want to be told when to eat, sleep, where we can go, and what we can do. The people we are fighting against have this goal. Just look at how they run their so called countries.

To end my statement here. Why do you need to find it necessary to make this a black-white thing? I think many people have moved on. If not then Obama would have never been elected.


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It wasn't intended to be a black/white thing. I just said that to highlight that racists and bigots still exist in society today

And sorry that I'm all "Debbie downer" - I just plan for the worst and hope for the best. Ya know? I sure hope you not like this on all topics! Like going out for a cruise on the bike and expecting to get in an accident. Sure would make the ride rather unenjoyable. I can see looking out for hazards but not expecting death around every corner. Then seeing there was no death, coming to the next corner and still expecting the worst.

And they most likely always will if people continue to focus on the negative. I hope people will look at the policies cause for whatever effects they may cause. Positive or negative. I know it won't happen anytime soon if ever! Specifically because people don't understand how the government works and chose not to educate themselves any other way than watching T.V.

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Not really... easily a conservative bias. And the whole "We haven't had a terrorist attack on US soil argument" is specious.

I can say the mayor of Elyria has taken a strong stance against bear maulings in the recent years since there hasn't been a bear mauling in Elyria since he took office.

Where there's a will, there's a way - so if terrorists really wanted to attack, they'd be able to make it happen. The funny / ironic thing is I could see this scenario playing out:

Obama takes office

Terrorists attack on US soil during his term (probably within the first 2 years)

Neo-cons blame Obama for unfounded and shallow reasons

Democrats get the unwarranted "I told you so" speech from the Neo-cons

Everyone wants the country to be lock-down even more

Economy continues to suck

Neo-Con elected in 2012 (God help us all if it's Palin)

Police-state as we continue to be isolationists - both by policy and because everyone in the world hates us and thinks we're idiots

Continued downhill slide until something gives... something always gives

And somehow it'll all come back on Obama... not Bush, and everyone will remember how "the black guy" ruined the country. :nono:


Bush never had a chance with you people regardless of what he did.

Were you this critical of Clinton or are you just another partisan sheep?

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