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Just for the record


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I've had a lot of people asking why I support Bush. It's easy, he's our president. I didn't vote for him, but he was elected so I support him.

Just to note, I didn't vote for Kerry either.

I didn't vote for Obama. However, he has been elected and on Tuesday will become our president. As I've said numerous times, I hope he does such a great job we all vote to reelect him in four years.

Obama's about to be our president, and whether we agree with him or not we should support him.

I cannot stand all the people trashing Bush for the things he did wrong and aren't able to accept the things he did right. There are very few if any presidents in history who did a perfect job. Everybody praises Kennedy, but he never really did anything. Clinton got a bum rap for sleeping with his intern. Kennedy was fucking Marilyn Monroe.

There are a lot of things in this country I disagree with. However, as an American, it's my duty to support our leaders and our troops.

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I've had a lot of people asking why I support Bush. It's easy, he's our president. I didn't vote for him, but he was elected so I support him.

Just to note, I didn't vote for Kerry either.

I didn't vote for Obama. However, he has been elected and on Tuesday will become our president. As I've said numerous times, I hope he does such a great job we all vote to reelect him in four years.

Obama's about to be our president, and whether we agree with him or not we should support him.

I cannot stand all the people trashing Bush for the things he did wrong and aren't able to accept the things he did right. There are very few if any presidents in history who did a perfect job. Everybody praises Kennedy, but he never really did anything. Clinton got a bum rap for sleeping with his intern. Kennedy was fucking Marilyn Monroe.

There are a lot of things in this country I disagree with. However, as an American, it's my duty to support our leaders and our troops.

Very articulate and nicely said Ben!!!! :dj:

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Kennedy was fucking Marilyn Monroe???


that is a good point you make tho. i must say I'm guilty for bashing bush, but I'm gonna give obama the benefit of the doubt and support him.

I better question is who WASNT Kennedy fucking?! :lol: I dont understand it either, his wife was beautiful. The Kennedy family was screwed up.

I also agree with ya Ben to a point.

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Just want to clarify one thing.. He is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and not the American People.

That being said' date=' I agree with Ben to an extent. I don't feel that we should bash Obama now that he has been elected. However, as soon as he passes some shitty, fucked up, wealth-spreading bullshit legislature it is our duty as Americans to call him on it. If we disagree with it it is absolutely in the best interest of our Nation to stand against it. I am very displeased with the Republican Party for not stomping on Bush's toes when he signed all the bullshit he did. Don't even get me started on the Patriot Act!!

Until Obama fucks up I will support him as president. He is NOT my Commander-In-Chief. He is my President and is accountable to me and my fellow countrymen.[/quote']


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I think there's got to be a difference between supporting a president and supporting the decisions he makes.

I think that its important that we make it clear that we can support our president and what his position stands for without making the american people look like complete idiots for agreeing with some of the bs that has been happening over the past 8 years.

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i dont understand why i should support something that i disagree with. If we dont question authority, they have absolute power. I dont believe there is a difference between supporting our president, and supporting the decisions he makes. The president is the decisions he makes, he is a leader, a decision maker.

as my boy Gandhi said "honest dissagreement is a good sign of progress"

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I don't believe Ben ever once wrote that he wasn't going to question certain decisions that the president makes. I voted for Bush and I still stand behind my decision both times but I didn't agree with every single decision he made. Supporting our president doesn't mean we agree with every single position he takes. For instance, I will not EVER EVER EVER be pro choice yet I will still support Obama by praying for him to make the right decisions for us, etc. There is a big difference. Do all of us agree with every single decision our friends make? I certainly don't yet if they need me at any time I will be there to support them. And honestly I don't think it's healthy to not challenge other people with our views and give constructive criticism. I understand that is an extremely elementary analogy but you get the point. I don't mind if people talk about our president just as long as they do it in a respectful way and also acknowledge the good along with the bad.

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i dont understand why i should support something that i disagree with. If we dont question authority, they have absolute power. I dont believe there is a difference between supporting our president, and supporting the decisions he makes. The president is the decisions he makes, he is a leader, a decision maker.

as my boy Gandhi said "honest dissagreement is a good sign of progress"

+1 to that. Anyone hear of the Milgram Experiment? Questioning authority is key.

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but at the time of the election more than 50% thought he was

does that mean you should support to him? does that mean we should just accept all his decisions and keep our mouths shut about what we want, and what we need? i dont know about you guys, but i have an opinion, and a voice, and i intend on using it, instead of being a sheep and blindly following a man who was appointed into authority over me

btw, im not singling out obama, hell, i voted for him, doesnt mean im going support all of his actions

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