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Do not buy GTA 4 for PC


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Ok well if you have be following and waiting for this like i have and haven't gotten it yet, DONT!!! i consider my computer pretty high up there and im lucky to even get 30 fps in the game. there threads upon threads of people having the same issues as this. and on top of all of this, you cannot even change the controls. you can go into controller setup but you only get shown a xbox 360 controller and you cant change anything. the whole game is glitchy, buggy and overall worthless. fuck you rock star games i just wasted $50 on this when i knew i should have just gotten left 4 dead instead. specs on my computer so you can figure it out if yours will even run it.


Intel core 2 quad q9550 OC at 3.55 GHZ

eVGA 780i FTW edition with FSB running at 1667mhz

2x eVGA GTX 260 Superclocked editions running in SLI over clocked to 756/1512/1260

corsair dominator ram 2x2gb running at 4-4-4-15

PC power and cooling 750 watt PSU

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bah, i turned the settings down to medium and ran a benchmark on the game and it said my average FPS was 40.3 how crappy is that? it looks decent but all of the shaded stuff looks like complete crap, needs anti aliasing bad!
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Did you try it with just one card and no SLi? I gave up on SLi long ago when I had 2 9800s running and didn't even get better performance.



+Rep for having a sig from one of the best movies ever!


But It's true..Crossfire/SLI often have problems with new games. I have to turn off crossfire or certain games run like garbage until a "PATCH" occurs.



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Did you try it with just one card and no SLi? I gave up on SLi long ago when I had 2 9800s running and didn't even get better performance.


yea, ive removed one card and only ran one gtx with about the same performance. just a really crappy coded game. it runs fine on medium. oh well ill live with it im sure they will put a patch out soon with how many people are having issues with it.

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